6: An Adventure With The Prince

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Though it felt as if (Y/n) had just arrived at the Domain, she was already on another quest that made her temporarily leave the area, chasing some scary rumors concerning those evil Zora she had heard so much about recently.

Unfortunately, if you hear something a lot of times, there could only be two conclusions that can be drawn.

One, that the rumor is true,

Or, two, the one (Y/n) was hoping for, that it was just a very well spread lie used to scare people, like tales of the Demon King scooping up unruly kids, or something to that effect. Just something fantastical that was a far stretch from the actual truth of the matter.

That was what she was hoping for, but deep down in her gut, she had a feeling that was not what she was going to find out.

At least she had the best protection someone like her could have, and that was the very Prince of the Zora being by her side.

However, Sidon seemed to not be too crazy about (Y/n) seeing him as a prince, so she always just called him by his name, treating him like she would any of the others in the Domain.

"When I got the news after my meeting with the council, I was surprised to hear that the two of us would be embarking on this quest. I have never ventured this far from the Domain before, even as a little minnow." Sidon hummed as he was looking in awe at the greenery the two were now surrounded in. Being so far from the Domain, the blue rocks that made up the area soon came out of view, until all they could see was green.

(Y/n) slowly nodded. "What I would like to know is how the minnows would have known about these "evil Zora" if they haven't branched past the bridges. That sounds very dangerous, even with the Calamity gone." She frowned worriedly.

"Well, we usually travel by the rivers, you see, and very few monsters could catch up with us in the water. Though you do bring up a good point... I guess we will need to assign a guard to keep an eye on them. Perhaps they are feeling a bit more adventurous now that the Calamity has came to an end." Sidon hummed thoughtfully, before his hands were going to run past the leaves of a tree, feeling it's papery texture. Naturally there would be no paper in the Domain, since it would be drenched by the very frequent rain they would get. Instead, any literature was written on special stone tablets.

(Y/n) found herself watching the look of pure, silent enjoyment in Sidon's eyes as his hands then trailed down to the branches, feeling at the bark. Given his tough scales, it wasn't as rough on his hands as it would be if a Hylian were to do the same thing.

There was such a pure joy in his movements, like the wonder of a child first exploring the world for the first time.

That realization made (Y/n) think that being royalty really was stifling, if he was acting this curious about the nature around him that she would consider not out of the ordinary.

After silently admiring him for a few moments, (Y/n) smiled at him.

"You act as if you have never seen a tree before." She quipped.

Sidon snapped back to the moment, and let out a slightly embarrassed laugh, a hand behind his head. "You have caught me. I have seen trees before, but I have never really had the time to see them in such detail before. When I am outside the Domain, I am usually on an important mission, before I am right back to my usual duties. I do not mind it at all, of course, but there are just some times where I just wish..."

Sidon was then raking the leaves with a gentle hand, a soft look in his eyes as he gave a rueful smile. "...I could just explore the world. Like my friend, Link. He has been all over Hyrule, and yet, I have only gotten but a portion of it. I want to know... What is the rest of Hyrule like, and how does it compare to the pictures I have seen of it in the past? Is it even more glorious in person? So many questions..."

(Sidon x Reader) The Out Of Body ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now