"Yeaaa" I looked at my phone seeing it was only 9:16

"I'm here for emotional support and these because I think you cute" he handed me the flowers

"You are something" I didn't know what to say just smiled at him "thank you"

He yawned "no problem baby"

"I was just about to shower before getting on, you said you haven't slept yet?"

"Yeah a nigga got held up last night" he rubbed down his face as they entered her room

"Well you get some sleep, I'm about to get in before this food arrive, you hungry?" She ordered  enough food to share some and she could always make him something if he didn't want what she got

"Starving, ima stay up until after yo meeting tho"

She just shook her head, before going in and taking care of her hygiene.

She stayed in longer than she expected when she got out the food was arriving in 2 mins and it was already 9:53am

"Damn" she went to her room expecting to see August sleeping but he was still up on his phone

Eyeing her he watched her every move.

She went over to her vanity dropping her towel on the chair sitting in it she was ass naked. The sight had Mr Classy waking up.

"Ma put some clothes on first before you miss this meeting" he told her sitting up feeling his eyes trying to close

"You want me now baby?" She asked lust taking over in her eyes 

As bad as he wanted to fuck her until they passed out he figured she was trying to use it as a distraction. Picking up his phone it was now 9:56am

"Come on mama get dressed you got 4 minutes, I got you after for sure" he stood up adjusting himself in his boxers

"Boo you' she rolled her eyes "Can you grab the food off the porch? You can eat some just save some for Kyla it's a fruit bowl in the refrigerator if you want some of that also"

He left out to get it and eat

After quickly throwing on a random graphic tee and some biker shorts, she went to her office going to the link with the Zoom meeting in her email and to her surprise Mr Clark was already in the meeting.

Seeing the older black man brought back so many unwanted memories. She pushed it all to the back and got comfortable in her chair, watching August come in with the monitor for Kyla he sat on the couch.

She smiled at him and mouth thank you him.

"Ms Monroe good to see you, How is everything with you?"

"Um everything is great,"

She felt her heart in her throat she looked over at august and he was already looking at her he raised his hand and told her to 'breath' to her.

Clearing her throat she looked back at the camera "Mr Clark I honestly just want to know what this is all about if we can just skip all the formalities?" She said

"I figured that much, ok let's get to it then we can catch up later" he chuckled a little I guess that was his way of joking

"Okay so as you know once you are in our system, we kind of keep tabs on how you're doing and any family issues that may come up well it was brought to my attention that you Ms. Monroe, have family in our system recently.'

Perfect Strangers • August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now