27.5) The Price of Playing the Game 🔞

Start from the beginning

"Hold on! Kyle- for fucks sake move- OH PISS OFF WILL YOU", was what instantly drew Price's attention back behind him. A frown forming on his face.

He could see you curse out a group of men that at first didn't want to move out of the way for you, while approaching the bar. Price immediately turned around, narrowing his eyes before he saw the look in your eyes and the slight hand you'd raised out to him. He waited with shifted eyebrows as you pushed your face near one of them, Price now noticing the man holding your arm. You looked livid as you spoke out lowly, just loud enough for your company to pick up on it. Price's body and mood tense, ready to jump in and drop them. He knew you could take them, but so could he. Gladly even.

"Come on, sweetheart, one drink. We can show you what great company's like."

"You've got two seconds to act like your receding hairline and take a step back before I make you", your quickly souring face brought out. Your hand looked to be vice gripping the one holding your arm hostage. Laughter rippled from the group of men in response, clearly not impressed, and horribly unaware of the cold glint in your eye.


Your muttered disappointment was the last thing Price heard before the group realised you were the one person that'd walked by they really shouldn't have fucked with. Even Ghost had more restraint than you.

One kick to the balls and an elbow on the back as the man bent over in pain and Price saw the one that had held down your arm go down on the ground, the men around him confused and taken aback by how fast it went. You pushed on without further thought, flanking Price with an innocent look on your face as he let you pass and closed off the space behind you protectively with his arm. Making sure the men behind him saw. He wasn't sure how you could get more attractive over time but somehow you still proved him wrong. He threw another glower at the group of men, who seemed to realise you were definitely not alone and they slowly backed away from the crowd, dragging their dazed friend with them. Much to Price's delight.

"As I was saying, Kyle- oh hey James, even better", your voice rang out as you came up to lean on the bar and talked to the barkeep, "no beer for me. Dark n' Stormy if you will."

"Coming up. Heavy on the-"

"Rum? Yes, please", you interupted James with a clear sigh as Price kept his stare on you.

He definitely hadn't expected you to start drinking heavily immediately, but he was curious to see how loose you could get. You usually didn't drink much more than beers around him, so this was a new experience to witness.

"Am I handing you guys the shot already or..?", James brought out as he rounded up the drinks, ignoring other patrons. Clearly he favoured you all and Price had a feeling that you were good customers. Ordering lots and perfect crowd controllers. If you didn't start anything yourself that is.

"Shot?", Price asked as he cocked a brow at his companions. He could see the way your face contorted a little and Gaz looked around with a stupid grin.

"Little ritual, cap", the latter said as he motioned for everyone to help carry drinks back to Soap and Ghost, grabbing the vibrant red shot last.

The two others had found a spot near the back of the bar, around the pool tables. It was honestly close to the boxes playing music, but it wasn't like you all weren't used to loud noise. You'd take this over bombs and guns any day. Heading over, you all planted down the drinks and Price waited for an explanation on why there was now a single shot in the middle of the table.

"Easy, cap'n. We 'ave a simple rule. First person tha' gets hit on needs t' take the shot and pay the first round next time we go out", Soap started as he slapped Gaz on the shoulder. "He was the lucky lad last time, weren't ya?"

A Living Shield (John Price x OC/Reader slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now