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Hi there! Thank you all so much for reading A Living Shield so far, I'm really overwhelmed to see people enjoy something my brain came up with. It's insane to me that any other person besides myself likes reading it and I'm glad I decided to share my little brain doodles with you all 🥰

Now as a small notice, considering that Modern Warfare 3 is out, let me say this:

Whatever happened, whoever died, whoever we lost, my story does not follow that timeline. I've seen it all, it was beyond devastating for me and I'm sure even worse for many others to see the end of the campaign. Ya bitch was upset, ya bitch cried and has many thoughts on how shitty and rushed it was in comparison to the last two campaigns. That is completely besides the fact that, ofcourse, the voice actors absolutely slayed that shit and I couldn't be more proud of their performance. The fault lies entirely with Activision, as fucking usual.

But like I was trying to say, in A Living Shield, in my story, there will be none of this. Modern Warfare 3 (2023) does not influence it, I can promise you that. Treat it as a different universe, we keep all our boys here alive, loved and well fed. (That is besides any angst I might potentially throw your way, mind you.)

There will be references to canon events from MW1&2, hell even possible references to outfits from MW3 bc let's be honest, those served and we ate good. But all characters faiths in my written story will not change because of the events in MW3. I refuse and will stay delulu until the end of all days, they all survive.

Besides that, thank you guys so much again for reading! You have no idea what it means to me! I hope you're looking forward to the rest of the story, because Wraith's is far from done and I'm excited to share it with you all ❤️

PS: I might have an idea for some chapters here and there, some X.5 chapters if you will, from the POV of our dear captain 👀 currently working to see if that perspective works and if it doesn't convolute the story too much. Lord knows having 2 timelines already was a choice I made and probably not the smartest one. Plus it's more challenging than I realised having to write from his pov, but hey we love a good challenge here 😤

A Living Shield (John Price x OC/Reader slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now