10) A Fools Bargain

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[Songs 🎵: Out of the Black - Royal Blood, Lilith (feat. SUGA) - Halsey & Everybody's Fool - Evanescence]

You'd been standing outside Laswell's usual office building for the last twenty minutes. Hiding behind the corner.

I look like a drug dealer with my cap on. This is ridiculous.

You felt extremely shady and uncomfortable, like you were doing something wrong. To the random passerby's eye, you were just a person dressed in all black, lounging near the wall. Out of anxiety you'd left way too early and now you were left waiting until 6pm came around. Laswell had entered a few minutes ago, no doubt heading for the conference room and you'd been plastered against the wall trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. So far for stealth being your pride and joy.

How come this is my strongsuit out in the field but when I do it here I feel more obvious than ever?

Price was the one you were waiting for now. He was the one piece of the puzzle missing and you waited anxiously. Leaning back, your arms crossed and your foot propped up against the wall. You were feeling restless as you fidgeted with your longsleeves' thumb holes. The tight fabric that was looped around your thumbs held everything in place nicely, but consistent fidgeting had unraveled some of the threads over time.

The sun was setting slowly, throwing a violent shade of orange and pink across base. It would be glorious to take in, if it wasn't for your mind being too preoccupied. Sunsets were great and all, but you'd been waiting for this moment ever since you woke up and you were at the end of your nervous rope.


The sudden voice behind you came out of nowhere, shocking your nerves even more as you spun around. How did he even get behind you?

Price was rather casual as he stood there resting his weight on his hip, as he did when he was waiting on something. He looked more dressed for heavy work today, clearly back from business off base. Sweaty and physically tired was a strangely good look on him. It was all more official compared to the casual way you'd seen him the day before. The image of his toned and firm torso and arms still freshly burned into your retinas.

His eyes held a twinge of humour despite the fatigue that was noticeable, no doubt at seeing you jump at his appearance. Completely done on purpose, that was for sure.

"Sir, don't take the piss out of me. I'm already on edge."

"I suggest you loosen up, cause this might take a while."

"Easy to say for the one that isn't eavesdropping", you mumbled.

He stepped past you now, looking back, raising an eyebrow as if questioning if you were gonna follow. You rolled your eyes, following close behind as he rounded the corner and you made your way inside through the big glass doors. He held quite the pace and even though you matched it, he strode further and faster with ease compared to you. Not sure if he did it on purpose or not, it still annoyed you that you felt like a duckling trying to keep up.

"Is there anything specific I should know before we commit to this, sir? I know we agreed on it and I'm not going back, but it doesn't feel quite right."

"It ain't s'pposed to. I'm not proud of the choice, but it needed to be made. Gettin' your hands dirty is part of the deal."

"Kate's going to kill me if she finds out."

His silence made you look up at him from the corners of your eyes, as you were heading down a hallway. He was studying your face a little, his face unreadable.

"First name basis, hmm? She doesn't do that easily. If she lets you call her Kate, she'll come around."

Your ears couldn't believe what they were hearing. A normal conversation. With Price. He was even trying to put you at ease. This was getting unbelievably weird.

A Living Shield (John Price x OC/Reader slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now