Chapter 5: The Party

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Marco was a multitasker.

How he managed to keep track of the fillet mignon he was pan-searing and the red wine sauce he was mixing for it and the fire he needed to turn down on whatever the hell was next to the mignon and throw in the right amount of herbs on the Bluefin tuna steak about to be sent out was beyond her.

All of that and Lex already knew half his life story. Something he was pretty generous with sharing while continuing to do what she can only describe as culinary juggling. He had come from the same country as hers. They were about the same age when he arrived but his family lived on the opposite side of the islands. He knew another language, a dialect, she wasn't familiar with but it was all the same to her. He was her countrykin and they immediately shared that bond she felt with no one else in the mansion.

"It must have been nice," Lex says. "To take the plane."

"Wait. How'd you get here?" Marco responds while handing out a finished plate to the maître d'.

"Oh, you know..." Lex says, giving him that look only two people from the same cultural climate would understand.

"Oh, T.N.T..." he responds. "Well, you're here now. All that matters."

"Yeah. Anyways. I came to say 'thanks' for the..."

He shushes her before she gets to finish.

"Listen. I'm glad you girls had a good time last night. Clearly" he says, eyeing her bruised forearm she attempted to cover up with tan spray. "But keep it on the down low."

She smiles. Then she leans in and goes against his request, whispering.

"Thanks for the fake I.D."

"You're welcome. Now, get the hell outta here. You're gonna smell when you get out there." 

Not wanting to get in the way of his work, she obliges.

Lex sniffs herself and remembers how Talia had gone through the trouble to get her into the gray gown she's wearing right now. She owed it to her to at least show up despite her reservation. Rich people bore her and she didn't relate to their problems. But she reminds herself that she's doing this for Talia and gets over it. Nothing else matters. 

She makes her way through the crowd in search for a vacant washroom when Talia stops her.

"There you are!" Talia says. "Where have you been all night?"

"I was in the kitchen. I need to freshen up."

Talia leans in and sniffs her.

"You're fine. They won't notice. Everyone's been drinking at this point" she pulls Lex by the hand. "Come. There's someone I want you to meet."

They weave through the crowd in the Dining Hall then then make their way to the Party Room. They approach a man with red hair speaking to an older gentleman. Upon seeing Talia approaching, the red haired man excuses himself.

"Talia. I was wondering when you'd be bored enough to come chat" he says.

"Oh stop it, you" she looks to Lex. "This is THE Aaron I've been telling you about. Aaron Henry Romwell."

"Lex" Aaron extends a hand. "I'm guessing you're Talia's..."

"Babysitter" Lex says, taking his hand.

Aaron and Talia laughs at what she just said. She didn't think they'd take that as a joke. She half meant it.

"You're quite the ruckus" Aaron says. "You live up to your reputation"

"She's the best" Talia says. "Now, Aaron here is a bit of a nerd."

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