Chapter 3: The Deal

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"Awww, you nearly choked her out?" Scottie says. "How on-brand of you."

The duo had checked every room on the second floor and so far had found nothing. Or anyone for that matter. The place had been seemingly abandoned abruptly in the middle of the night. With all their personal effects still where they were.

"Let's check Jodie's office," Lex says, ignoring his comment.

They take the stairs down and make a left turn into one of the most uneventful spaces in the manor so far. The white walls and black, marble desk reminded Lex of middle school detention, detention for important people, that is.

Scottie notices a pile of frames right next to a couple of bronze and gold figurines. He picks up one of the frames.

"The Jefferson Humanitarian Award for advances in medicine," Scottie says and then puts it back down. "Sounds like my kinda woman. I see where Talia got it."

Scottie had a point.

Jodie was a force to be reckoned with and Lex had a front-row seat eight years ago when she was called into this very office. A memory she fondly remembers as one that changed the course of the freight train that was her life.

A memory she's going to entertain.

Lex was ready to leave. It was fun while it lasted.

The bed was huge and the sheets were smooth and the food was phenomenal. Talia was weird but she could get used to her if she tried. But the truth is rich people wonderland wasn't a sustainable dream. She needed a more realistic one. One that felt closer to who she was and what was within her reach.

Lex walked past the same security guy from last night standing outside Jodie's office. He reminded her of one of those guards in red uniform that stood outside that fancy British palace; unwavering and unmovable.

She eyes his radio and contemplates the thrill of seeking an opening and possibly snatching it from his waist. Thoughts for another day.

For now, Jodie was waiting. Sitting behind her marble desk, she had put away her simple, white mom getup she had worn the night before and now wore a black blazer with pointed shoulder padding that made her look like a queen. But not the fairy godmother type that wanted you to be happy and jolly. More like the magic mirror owning kind, the ones who didn't welcome bad news.

There was a chair in front of the desk which Lex ignores. She's not really into long goodbyes. She'll be in and out of here before she gets comfortable.

"Good morning, Lex." Jodie beckons.

"Morning, ma'am."

"Like I said last night, you don't have to call me ma'am." Jodie says, signing a paper and then stacks it on top of her organizer.

"Sorry, ma'am. I mean... Miss Jodie."

Jodie smiles at this. I guess it's a start. She decides she's going to give Lex her full attention, leaning forward while resting her chin on her fist.

"I heard Talia slept in your room. I'm sorry if she pestered you again. I hope you got a good night's sleep."

"It was my idea... She was being... thoughtful."

"I see." Jodie says.

Behind Lex, mister security guy walks in with something in his hand. He puts down her backpack next to her. She'd been wondering where the hell she'd put it.

"Thanks, Farhad" Jodie says. He nods and walks back to his post.

"So, where would you like to be dropped off? I'd like to make arrangements if the driver has to travel far."

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