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~Jeffs POV~
She was right there... She was perfect. Her hair went to the middle of her back, it was aqua with pink underneath. She had that sexy scene/emo look and I love that. She was 17 (18 in two days) and lived with her father. He was a deadbeat who would hit on her, kick her, and worst of all.... He would rape her now and then. I wanted to help her but the time wasn't right. In two days time,she will be 18 and I will kill her father and I will take her for myself. Well that was the plan at least...

~Unknowns POV~
I wanted to get away! Away from my asshole of a father but I couldn't... If he found me then he will kill me and no one will know... That baster killed my mother and got away with it. I seen him do it and no one would listen...

~Flash Back~
*hears screaming from downstairs* "Mommy?" I slowly walk downstairs and see my dad over my mother stabbing her. She was screaming in pain and was covered in blood. I looked at my fathers face with wide eyes and seen that his eyes were red. He was not human. No one knows but I can see ghost and demons. Some weren't evil or anything but this one that was in my father... He was a full fledge demon. A demon that only came from the deepest, coldest pits of the underworld. I ran down and slammed my shoulder in to my fathers chest and he falls over the table. I looked at my mother and pulled her up. I was only 15 but she was small so it was easy to pick her up. I told her to run. To get away. As she went upstairs to the phone. I turned back to my father. I could still see the demon in him and he was pissed. I only smiled and said "You know, my father was always a deadbeat so I don't mind killing him and you at once." "What the hell are you talking about "you too"? I'm your father, there's only one of us you little bitch." I only laughed "You stupid ass demons, I see souls and demons you little baster! I see you! Your a full fledge demon cause of your blood." The demon/my father, only laughed and the demon left my father and he stood there with claw,horns and a tail. He had normal looking skin and he was handsome. His eyes were green. I thought he would have red eyes but some how he didn't. "Well well well, looks like I finally found you... And here I thought your mother was the demon slair.... I guess I have no use for your mother then." With that his eyes turned black and he snapped his fingers and I heard a scream... My mothers scream... That little baster killed my mother in a snap. I didn't run to find her cause then the demon will leave and he will come back for me one day. But I can't let him! I have to kill him here and now. As I was lost in thought he spoke up. "I am Vamp, king of all demons. I am here to make you as my bride. Your power is stronger then many demons and I must have you!" "I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" With that said my eyes turned blue and my wings came out. My hair turned blond and grown longer. My clothes burned in to a blue flam and they became a blue pair of skinny jeans and a cut top that showed a little to get my enemies eyes away from my movements when they are a little stronger then me. My bow appeared and I gasped it in my left hand and I looked at vamp and spoke.

~wattpad is messing up!!!! Why???? Xc~

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