Pet Control

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On the rooftops, the heroes and their adult hero friends were sightseeing, making sure that evil liar hadn't akumatized anyone again with her lies to make victims fall for it.

"She's a monster. It's like nothing can change her mind and heart. You once thought she would come around with redemption but instead, she got worse" Blu Tembo said, learning from these Paris heroes about the times Lila would do something so cruel.

"I tried giving her multiple chances to stop lying but she refused to hear my advice. I was trying to save her from becoming something far worse than inhuman but she never tries to be honest with herself" Cat Noir explained the times he was forced to co-model with her.

"Except she can't help herself that lying is the one thing she's very good at. Yet she is aware of her cruel actions but doesn't feel any regret at all. She's gonna end up as the Girl Who Cried Wolf" Ladybug said, knowing how Cerise doesn't take responsibility for herself.

"And that's what worries me, niños. The more she lies, the more she loses herself in hell. Like giving her soul straight to hell. She's gonna get her life ruined if she doesn't learn to have good deeds, compassion, and generosity. What she does and how she acts in her life" Panthera said, playing with her spear.

"Then it's her loss. Not even God will help her life" Blu Tembo said.

"Of course," Cat Noir said.

"Is there like a backstory to how she became like this?" Panthera asked.

"Apparently not much is known about Cerise. Aside from that she's my deceased father's daughter and my half-sister" Cat Noir said.

"Whatever made her like this, it obviously nothing like a disorder or diagnosis to mentally lie," Blu Tembo said.

"But a desire," Ladybug said.

"Too much desire leads to obsession and obsession leads to madness. I hope one day you two will defeat her. The future isn't set in stone yet" Panthera said.

"As long as we stay together," Ladybug said.

"If Sentinoir didn't stop her in time, she would have known who we were," Cat Noir said.

"Speaking of that sentibeing, I never seen one to care about anyone. I just thought sentimonsters are....well....monsters. Felix was right that they are just beings to be created with freedom, not do the peacock holder's bidding like Shadow Moth did" Blu Tembo said.

"The first time we faced one was a caged-like being. It took me so long to realize that these creatures were created to obey orders. That's why Felix cares so much about them because it reminds him of his father controlling his life the same way Shadow Moth controlled his sentimonsters. I can't believe I judged him without understanding his backstory" Panthera said, feeling guilty to think he was a monster to trade all the miraculous to a bigger monster when instead it was something but she doesn't know what.

"Nobody's perfect in any way," Blu Tembo said.

"The miraculized zombies and nightmare headaches we all went through, it was much worse for it to become World War 3" Panthera shuddered.

"Yeah, but we went through them like we did in the underworld and Atlantis" Cat Noir said.

"True. Lila tries to frame Marinette but fails and gets exposed, to Chloe's tyranny of being the worst mayor but it leads you both to unlocking your unlimited powers, and Mariquita takes the miraculous back from Monarch. You both are like Yin and Yang when fate decides to give you better chances" Panthera counting the list of incidents.

"Oh yes," Ladybug nodded.

"Your amigos are so nice. There was this tall guy I recognized from the zoo the first time I came to Paris. He was making fun of the jaguars and I got so upset. Is he always like that?" Panthera asked, not wanting to judge a person again.

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