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I seriously don't like Lila/Cerise's evil nature and who knows how long she got away with everything as an adult in the future. Maybe in the cliffhanger it has to be the Supreme from the altered dimension. Maybe he made her into a bigger monster. But I seriously don't like how Cerise doesn't care who she hurts nor she ever feel any regret at all. Its like nothing can ever change her mind or heart like Adrien tried to do. But as far as I know, she never lets go of her revenge until its done and now she has an irrational obsession with ruining Marinette's life again. Who knows how many years she'll waste in the future by the time she has no life in anything.


The mutated sharks became an army and the Atlantean soldiers were not strong enough but with the help of Team Miraculous, it was all about team effort to aid in help.

"Milady, now is our chance!" Cat Noir runs with her to stop the shark king from finishing what he has started. Kill the black cat holder long ago.

"He's looking at you! He's not after me!" Ladybug said.

"It's me he wants!" Cat Noir knew what she meant.

The fury of hatred was still around and influencing the Atlanteans to feel hatred for the outsiders.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Brace yourselves!" Blu Tembo saw some warriors turn on them.

"What's going on?" Pigella asked.

"The fury is influencing its hatred of the people!" Panthera said.

"This is not good!" Purple Tigress said.

"Niños! Whatever you do, do not fall into the darkness of demons! The hunt is on!" Panthera said with confidence.

"You got it!" Rena Rouge creates five copies of herself to confuse the warriors.

Pigeons use Gift to stop a few of them at once to see their dream at the same time. Their dream was to have a peaceful life without fighting. Purple Tigress used clout to punch her way through like a shock wave. Argos used his fan to slice off the spears of the warriors with Ryuko fencing against two warriors.

"Dragons and birds fly, my queen. Make like the wind!" Argos kicked the soldier down.

"You got it!" Ryuko switches to the wind element.

Cat Noir knew there was no way out of this. Not even his inner sentimonster form can do without having witnesses around him.

"It seems I'll have to put him out of his misery!" He eyed the trident.

"Kitty what are you doing?!" Ladybug saw him rush to the trident statue.

"Doing what my cat ancestor didn't do" Cat Noir grabbed the trident off the panel.

"You want me?! Come get me!" He shouted to the Shark King.

The mutated king rushes at Cat Noir, once he opens his mouth wide, Cat Noir leaps and throws the trident through him.

"Careful what you eat!" Cat Noir glared.

With a mighty yell, he shoves the trident deeper. Its tail smacked him aside before he got the chance.

"So close!" Cat Noir lands near Ladybug.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug summons her charm, "A harpoon gun?" She caught it.

"Give me that!" Cat Noir snatched it and fired it at the open mouth.

It impaled through the shark king's brain, killing him and he fell over with the trident penetrating his corpse.

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