Fury of Envy

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A month ago when Ladybug designed a secret Headquarters in the underground of the Agreste mansion where Gabriel used to keep his wife preserved in a casket. Now it became similar to the parallel universe of Betterfly's underground with a large computer. It now belonged to the members of the miraculous holders of Paris.

"Blimey, I just can't get enough of sushi, my queen. Better than my British food in London, you know" Argos using chopsticks to eat his sushi.

"Heh, it makes me think you don't get out much to see the world than just London, Kujaku" Kagami said while staring at the computer screen for any Akuma threats.

"I may be identical to my cousin but I don't have his knowledge powers like his linguistic power. He traveled more in New York, Shanghai, my home country, and the underground dinosaur world" Argos finished eating while resting his feet on the consoles, "I simply traveled only two countries and that is Paris and New York"

"Let's not forget I took you to Japan," Kagami said.

"Yes, of course. If our friends ever return, I'll make sure that Jaguar doesn't try to pluck my feathers off" Argos said, holding the peacock pin she gave him.

"She's still learning to trust you, Felix. She told you about her life when her father went missing for a decade. It's just like how you went through a lot and struggled to get out of your shell" Kagami said before holding her kwami to pet him.

"Yeah, I know. And that elephant guy told me how his little sister looks up to him" Argos pets Longg.

"And so does the jaguar's big brother look up to her too," Kagami said.

"Yep" Argos nodded and checked the computer, "Let's see the results" He taps the keyboard.

"Nothing. That psycho bitch is up to something. I just know it. I don't like this, Kagami. If only Flairmidable could've kicked his uncle's ass and grabbed both brooches, none of this would have happened. But all I cared about was saving myself. Latina woman was right in what she said. Superheroes don't make deals with a villain to save themselves by selling their friends and family" Argos sighed that he indeed regretted the events that led to his uncle's death, losing the brooch to someone as evil to claim it.

"She said you were just a kid. There are always bad choices in life that we can't un-choose" Kagami said.

"Like nearly almost letting Shadow Moth erase my existence as if Flairmidable never happened to trade all the miraculous to him?" Argos asked.

"Sorta but you chose to save yourself by getting the peacock brooch so no one but you can preserve your existence as well as Adrien's and mine," Kagami said.

"There's always bad choices at a price to pay. I didn't have a choice. If Cerise asked me to surrender my brooch, I rather die than betray my teammates again. Never again will I do what Flairmidable did" Argos said.

"That's the spirit," Kagami said.

"I just hope the four are okay down in Atlantis," Argos said.

"They have two young adults to guide them. Luna did call you flaquito which means skinny" Kagami snickered that he indeed does look skinny the same way Adrien is.

"Ah, yeah. But Adrien has started to build up some muscle" Argos said.

"And so did you whenever you kick ass. The life it chooses for everyone, sometimes it's like a sign. Mom raised me to be the next samurai of the Tsurugi family but you inspired me to follow my own rules instead of my ancestors' way. Just like Adrien who was pressured too much by his father, he chose the path like his mother to fall in love with someone over wealth. She gave up on her title as Lady, and he gave up on his modeling" Kagami said.

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