Air Pocket

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The heroes walked in the ancient highways of the ruins in this giant air pocket. All the ruins were like they did get submerged underwater but as centuries went by, there were changes in nature like ocean floors changing or tectonic activity like underwater earthquakes.

"In case we're going underwater again, use the powerups," Ladybug said.

"We gotta use them wisely," Blu Tembo said, knowing he had a few aqua power-ups left.

"Si, who knows if this air pocket is humongous or not for us to breathe better," Panthera said.

"I hope so," Cat Noir said.

"Cuidado!" Panthera grabbed Cat Noir and pulled him away from the puddle that wasn't even a puddle, it was a pit of sea snakes in the pit of water.

"Whoa! Snakes?!" Cat Noir shouted.

"Those are coral reef snakes. Its venom is a potent neurotoxin with low LD50 values. The neurotoxic effects of the coral snake venom are manifested by muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, unable to move eyelids, blurred vision, tongue fasciculations, decreased oxygen saturation, paralysis, and potential respiratory arrest" Panthera revealing too much of her zoology knowledge from her civilian self, "Sorry, the zoology in me. But this is serious. One bite and you'll face nasty side effects"

"Looks like we'll have to swing over" Ladybug takes her yo-yo out.

"You did your college studies?" Blu Tembo asked his partner.

"I did, during my free time too," Panthera said.

Ladybug grabs her kitty and swings over the pit with him. Panthera extended her spear and pole vaulted over the pit while carrying Blu Tembo.

"Tur att jag inte vägde fyra ton" Blu Tembo said in swedish.

"Heh, no you don't but your heart does. You have a huge heart for elephants, Chico" Panthera knew he was referring to the weight of elephants.

"Yeah, I do," Blu Tembo said.

"Heh, you two are definitely lovebirds" Cat Noir teased.

"We are just friends!" Blu Tembo and Panthera said at the same time.

"Okay, suit yourselves," Cat Noir said.

"I may like your humor, gatito. But never dark humor" Panthera said.

"You know me," Cat Noir said.

Ladybug then looks around the cave. The paintings are carved of a black cat warrior that caused the destruction. She looked closer and saw the shark and dolphin holders. A great ocean wave destroyed the city as well as the people but their sea god Poseidon saved them by turning the innocents into sea people to help them breathe underwater and adapt for centuries.

"Seapeople?" She looked confused.

"Apparently, yes. And it seems they worship the Shark and Dolphin holder" Cat Noir pointed at the next holders.

"That's funny. Sharks and dolphins never get along. They are always enemies in nature" Panthera said.

"How ironic but great white sharks can take on dolphins while a pod of them can defeat one" Cat Noir said.

"Last time I confused their dorsal fin for a shark but it was a dolphin. I almost scared myself to death like a mouse scaring the hell out of an elephant" Blu Tembo said.

"Well, they are gentle and playful," Ladybug said.

"Like I used to be with you, milady" Cat Noir flirted.

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