Y2V4: Beginning of the Island Exam

Start from the beginning

Walkie talkies...

Who named it like that?

Would shoes then be called 'Runnie Softies'?

Or would a gaming console be called 'Playie Talkie'?


What was I thinking about again?

"If it's something I can do, you can count of me!" Kei proudly stated.

I nodded. And guessing from how long we've been here...

Kei sighed deeply, "Guess I'll have to go first... But, Kiyotaka..."

She looked up at me, sky blue meeting golden.

"You better not get expelled again."

I don't have any plans to.


She smiled, leaving me there to watch as the waves go by.

Hmm, 2 weeks on an island, huh?

Sounds fun.

* * *

We were told to go inside the movie theatre. And since there were no assigned seats, people just sat with their friends, much like assemblies.

Sitting with your groups was also possible, but the number of groups itself was a minority. My eyes trailed over the empty seats until my eyes landed upon a friend of mine.

"Hey, Sotomura," I muttered as I sat next to him.

We'd been getting close since we were in the same elective. He even started to recommend plenty of TV shows, he was pretty knowledgeable in that regard.

"How's your project coming along?" I asked him.

"It's alright. A bit all over the place, but it does the trick. How about your dog organiser?"

Kei and I spent too long on a colour scheme. But eventually, after an hour, we finally selected one.

And that was only one of the many non-functional requirements...

This project's been rather tedious, but all deadlines have been met, no matter how much I had to cram near the end.

As for Sotomura's project, he wants to create an app that calls upon a database of movies and TV shows that you can review. In terms of complexity, it's harder than mine. But so far on each criterion we've been getting similar scores.

"Do you know what this reminds me of?" Sotomura asked.

I shook my head.

"The Namek saga. The difference is that instead of dragon balls, we just go do tasks."

"Are there only 7 tasks?"

"Maybe, I dunno. If this is the abridged Namek saga, maybe a wrestler competition happens."


"What do you mean 'abridged'? Is that some movie or something?" I asked him.

Sotomura looked at me with a puzzled expression, "You don't know the dragon ball Z abridged? It's like if the original series was redone with a lot more jokes while following the same events. Like a parody."

I see...

"Is it good?"

He nodded rapidly.

Hmm, I have been running out of shows to watch, I might as well. What could go wrong?

The lights dimmed near the back of the theatre where I was situated. Like last year, Mashima, the teacher of class 1-A was in charge of dealing with the rules for the island exam.

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