|25| mind and body

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"What is this."

Yeosang, San, Mingi, Yunho, Wooyoung and Jongho were standing on the forest edge, split in the middle, all in either tank tops or other workout clothes. Facing you, some had their arms crossed, some squatted, but San lit up at the sight of you.

"Aurora!" He called, spreading his arms dramatically, voice dropping a few octaves as he gestured to the boys around him. The behavior immediately earned a few chuckles from Wooyoung and Mingi. "Welcome. We've been expecting you."

"Dude, that sounds... wrong." Yunho laughed.

"We've noticed your improvement in ability training," San put his knuckles on his hip, pointing at you like you were getting beckoned. "We've decided now is the time you're introduced to one of our many traditions."

"This was all his idea-" Yeosang started before San roared once more.


"I thought you wanted this too?" Yunho asked, ignoring the orders from the man in front of him.

Yeosang only shrugged, "I wasn't against it."

" Guys, " San whined. They shut up and he turned back to you, who stood some ways away. "Don't you ever wonder how we train our abilities?"

"I assumed you don't need to," You answered. "I thought you have a pretty good handle on this already."

"Oh, we do," Jongho said. "We don't need the practice. We just get bored sometimes."

"That's not to say it doesn't help a little bit, keeps 'em in good shape," Mingi argued.

Yeosang stepped forward, pointing a finger at Mingi. "You're just saying that because it gives you a chance to show off,"

"What? No way." He replied. "Okay, yeah, a little."

San waltzed over to you and threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to the group. "This is a rite of passage, Aurora. You should be proud of how far you've come."

"Thanks, I'm still confused. What is this?" You asked.

"We call it Chopper," Yunho answered for you, arms crossed but his posture otherwise friendly. "A glorified version of manhunt, basically."

"One group is assigned with surviving until the time is up. The other has to chop them down." San said.

" Chop ?!" You exclaimed. Were you about to be cut to pieces for fun? "Literally?"

"Figuratively." Yunho corrected. "Though we usually use weapons, we'll go easy on you this time and focus on combat."

"Are we doing teams?" Interrupted Wooyoung.

"We have seven, it would be unfair." Answered Yeosang, which was met by an array of overlapping comments. But he was right- missing from the group were two certain members.

"So? We'll put her on the team with more people so there's no disadvantage."

"Where's the fun in that?"

"But Solo is too hard for her first time."

"It's still uneven."

Wooyoung heard him before anyone else, but his voice spoke over the crowd.

"I'll join too."

Seonghwa stood in front of the group, hands in his pockets, grey hoodie half zipped to expose the black tee under. He looked better, sounded better too, but his features still had the edge to them, the sickness' last effects.

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