|7| the start of your end

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I feel no emotion.

You had tried to cry the other day. To scream, to sob, to do anything to make you feel something, but none of it worked. The passion and hate you held in your heart deflated, leaving a big gaping hole of nothingness. It was easier to sit and let the numb feeling soak in than use the little energy you had to attempt a sob session.

Yunho's been trying to break you out of your daze. "Hey," he snapped, you didn't reply until he snapped his fingers in front of your face and broke you away from your trance. "You okay?"

He saw the effects that being tied to the basement had on you. Your face hollowed out [and your skin paled enough so he could see the veins running through your cheeks]. Your hair had become greasy and disheveled, [curling and frizzing at the humidity].

But the worst of it was your eyes.

When you were first tied here, you held such passion and hate he was almost convinced you'd somehow find a way out of these ropes. Now it looked like you were flirting with death. Inviting it in. You zoned out a lot more and even when you were paying attention to things you lacked responses to them. Aware, maybe, but not awake.

Yunho would be lying if he said he wasn't worried.

He knew you were enemies, he knew you despised every thought of the boys. But there was still a side of himself that grew attached to you even if he didn't want it to. He couldn't help it.

"I'm okay." You had said, though he knew better than to believe you. You hardly looked alive and it frightened him.

He knelt to your level and grabbed your face, examining it. "Don't touch me," You muttered, though you did not try to pull away. He sighed, not knowing what else they were expecting. Being chained to a pole in a dark room certainly affected people, and the inevitable just couldn't be ignored.

"Talk to me, Aurora. What's on your mind?" His voice cleverly hid the desperation he felt, and one could melt at the warmth he radiated. However, you need to retaliate, those hands he's holding you with have been met with so much blood, you can't lose yourself.

"I said don't touch me!" You pulled your head away harshly though you only escaped his grasp for a second before he grabbed your jaw for a second time, more harshly, you were almost sure it was going to bruise. You met his eyes you saw the warmth disappear for a moment, replaced with a cold hard stare.

Your mind was already blurred enough when he was around. You can't completely lose to him. You have to keep some sort of dignity.

Who cares if he helped you heal? Who cares if he's been nothing but good to you? It could be a facade; a trick to make you feel safer than you are. To earn your trust and then take it from you.

You wanted to push him away but your arms had gone numb, the restraints doing nothing for your blood flow. Tears stung your eyes and you closed them in order to prevent them from falling. Yunho sighed at your condition-his glare fading once again as he watched you fall apart in his hand.

He reached up to swipe a piece of hair behind your face, which was sticking to your cheeks with the newfound tears. "Aurora..." He said your given name soothingly because didn't know what else he could do; what else he could say to comfort you.

So when he moved behind the pole, you listened carefully as he freed one of your hands.


And he didn't let go of it either, he had a tight hold of your wrist as he came back around the side of the pole and into your line of sight, looking at you intently. But your eyes were glued to your arm, which turned out to be in a worse condition than you figured it was. Your wrist had a severe rope burn, the scabs had that oily shine to it and it stung with contact. Yunho was careful not to accidentally touch it.

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