|21| run pt. 2

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if you are easily triggered by such descriptions please skip ahead.

never, ever, ever do these characters reflect the real life actions of our idols. this is a work of fiction, don't ever excuse murder.

To Yeosang you were like every other person. Wooyoung had a hatred towards you because you were an outsider and therefore dangerous, you posed a threat to the security they've worked so hard to achieve in this broken family of theirs. But Yeosang never thought of it like that.

In fact, he didn't think much about it at all. He took your addition to the group at face value- with the conclusion that you were harmless- even if you tried not to be. The crew had you backed into a corner and yet you still tried to fight back. Despite not being attached by a handcuff anymore you were still heavily monitored by those around you. Yeosang hated the handcuff rule anyways, Hongjoong finally diminished it after your encounter at the gas station. To have someone restrained after a situation like that felt morally wrong.

"Take this," Hongjoong brushed past the bustling movement of others and went over to you, who stood away from the group next to Yeosang. You looked sick as he handed you the black clothes, neatly folded into a square and garnished with a black fedora. "If you're dressed as one of us then people find it harder to identify you. It's your protection."

Maybe you wanted to be identified. You swallowed hard as he handed the getup to you. Staring at it silently. Identified as the girl who had been stolen. With this, you'd become the very thing you had to protect yourself against. The girl who had survived them. The silhouette of the fedora men in the mall burned into your memory, but the hat looked harmless up close.

Around the room, semi-serious banter floated between the men in black. They laughed and teased, San's eyes lit up so much they looked like they were closed, Wooyoung's cackle filled the room and Yunho shone a bright red as Mingi complained of being the butt of the joke. This was easy. This didn;t feel like surviving, it felt like living.

But when you thought of San coming out of the forest line with a murderous glint in his eyes, a bloody knife in his equally bloody grasp the idea didn't seem so distant. Nobody had the fedora on yet, you realized, so you tossed it on the nearby table.

"Cars are ready to go, yeah?" Hongjoong asked.

Yeosang nodded, "The van should be ready, I got the bike out just in case. You think we need it?"

"No, Seonghwa isn't coming. Eight seats are enough," Hongjoong turned to the group "Alright gang, load up!"

"Dude, we've talked about this," San whined. "When you say gang , it makes you sound like that guy from Scooby Doo."

"Or a wannabe gangster," Yunho added.

"That's already what he is," Wooyoung said. " Yo, yo, yo, don't you realize what I'm sayin'?" Wooyoung started walking with his pelvis, tongue sticking out in an obnoxious imitation of Hongjoong.

" Ya! No," Hongjoong was now a bright red, shaking his hands in front of him defensively, "I don't do that."


"Get in the fucking car, please, " Hongjoong grumbled.

As nerves bit your skin and you felt your breathing get louder, the boys started shuffling out and you slipped in the bathroom. You changed, sliding your old clothes in the cabinet for later. Avoiding your reflection as you left, the living room was empty and the voices were gone. Your eyes scanned around to see Seonghwa waiting for you against the wall, equally as quiet.

bloodline. ateez x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin