Part 10

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Riley slowly left the house to head down the path to the beach. She could still easily see the house but the thrum of music was deadened by the crashing waves. Sitting down in the sand, Riley looked up at the moon and stars that filled the night sky. She worked to clear her mind and instead focus on the roar of the ocean while feeling the brisk autumn air swirl around her. Being near the ocean soothed her. It grounded her soul, calmed her mind, and filled her with serenity. She never once missed Boston. She had never been more glad to leave the loud busy city filled with people, smells, sounds, and buildings than she was right now. She had picked this school specifically for its proximity to the beach. The campus had its own section of the beach and sat on a road that ran parallel to a strip of the beach that met the ocean. Many of the fourth-years lived in the beach houses on this road since school was in session during the off season in Maine. Which meant Riley could go to the beach any time from September to May without restriction. The beach and ocean were her happy place. This is where she belonged.

Lost in these thoughts and feeling one with the earth, time slipped away like the waves retreating from shore after breaking in on themselves. Riley only remembered the party when she heard Katie calling her name from the dark. Scrambling up, Riley found Katie and asked, panicked "What's wrong? Did something happen to Kenny?"

Katie looked upset as she stammered "I promise we were watching her but she must have had a lot more to drink when we weren't looking because she is really drunk now and she's trying to leave with some guy."

"What? Why didn't you text me earlier? The tall guy she was playing beer pong with?" Riley questioned rapidly while she ran up the sandy path to the house.

Trying to keep up, Katie clarified anxiously, "No, a different guy and we tried texting you but maybe it didn't go through. I'm sorry! We tried!"

Riley burst through the door and almost ran into Hannah who was planted in front of Kenny and some stocky, brown-haired guy Riley had never seen before. "Hey what's going on?" Riley asked accusatorially

"Rileyyyy!" Kenny exclaimed as she threw her arms around Riley's shoulders and let her body fall into Riley heavily.

"We're trying to leave but this first-year won't let us and kept asking Kelsey to go upstairs with her"

Riley shot a grateful look at Hannah and mouthed "thank you" before turning her attention to the guy while Kenny still hung from her "Who are you?"

The guy looked affronted that anyone had to ask who he was. "I'm tyler. I'm a goalie for the hockey team."

"Riighhtt" Riley said, drawing out the word, "Well look Tyler, it doesn't look like Kenny is interested in leaving with you so maybe you should just leave on your own now."

Tyler was clearly pissed as he said "Pretty sure she does want to. Let's go Kelsey." and reached for Kenny's arm.

Pulling Kenny out of reach and stating darkly "I said she's not leaving with you. Now you can either leave quietly or we can make a scene. It's up to you, man."

Tyler looked around angrily at Hannah, Katie and Riley before realizing many of the other hockey girls were now watching as well. "Whatever. Bitch." Tyler huffed as he stormed out the front door.

"Ohmygod" Hannah sighed "I didn't think he was going to leave!"

Riley was focused solely on Kenny now however and started to guide her towards the stairs. Glancing back at Hannah and Katie she said genuinely, "Good job guys, you were seriously great.". Both girls looked proud at this and watched as Riley helped Kenny up the stairs.

Kenny was having a hard time moving her legs and staying upright but Riley managed to guide her up the flight and into the bathroom. Once Riley got Kenny settled on the floor in front of the toilet, she pulled a hair elastic from her wrist and pulled Kenny's hair back into a loose bun.

"I don't feel so good" Kenny whimpered, leaning into Riley.

"I know, babe" Riley comforted, "You'll feel better when you get the alcohol out of you". Riley then noticed Marissa standing in the doorway and asked "Could you get us a glass of water please?"

Marissa just nodded and turned to retrieve the water. A moment later, Kenny was heaving into the toilet. Riley rubbed soft circles on Kenny's back as she murmured reassuring words. This continued on for half an hour with Riley giving Kenny small sips of water as needed and letting Kenny rest against her.

When the worst of the sickness seemed to pass, Riley pulled out her phone. Looking down at it, she saw the texts from Katie and Hannah that she had missed before and realized her phone was on silent. Adjusting her ringer first, she then called her friend, Russ. Riley explained the situation and asked Russ if he could come pick them up in his car and drop them off at their dorm. Russ agreed and stated he would be there in five minutes.

Moving to help Kenny stand, Riley realized she would have to carry her. "Good thing you're so small" Riley muttered as she got Kenny's petite 5'2" frame onto her back again, having already slipped her heels off and into her bag. Riley now had her bag on the front of her body and Kenny on her back. Not realizing Marissa had returned, Riley heard her ask "Do you need help?"

Riley started down the hall towards the stairs and inquired "Can you just make sure she doesn't fall off my back?". Marissa stepped in place to follow behind them as Riley cautiously moved down the stairs, one step at a time. Kenny's arms, covered by Riley's flannel that Riley had put on her earlier, were draped across Riley's chest as her head rested to one side. When Riley made it outside Russ was already waiting and he got out of the car to help Riley and Marissa situate Kenny in the back seat.

"Looks like someone had fun" Russ said, glancing at Kenny's limp body as he made the short drive to their dorm.

"That's one way to put it" Riley responded, disgruntled. Luckily for Riley, their dorm had an elevator to reach their third floor suite and Russ helped Riley get Kenny situated in bed. "Thanks for helping, you're a lifesaver" Riley said.

"Hey that's what friends are for" Russ reassured. "I'm gonna go park my car but I'll be back and in my room just a few doors down if you need me."

"Thanks, Russ." Riley replied gratefully. Once Russ left, Riley got Kenny more water and woke her up to drink it before letting her drift back to sleep on her side again. Pulling the covers up around Kenny, Riley refilled the water, got a trash can in case Kenny was sick again, and pulled her own mattress into the room to rest on the floor. Checking on Kenny one last time, Riley laid in her bed on the floor and set her phone to wake her in an hour, every hour, to check on Kenny until morning.

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