Ellie x Female!Reader- You're Going To Be Okay

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You were a firefighter at Pontypandy Fire Station, and were good friends with all of the other Rescue Team members, especially Ellie, whom you had had a crush on for a long time.

However, everything would take a turn for the worst during one of the most intense emergencies that you had ever been through in your entire life.

"Joe's garage is on fire!!" Arnold announced as you and Ellie hopped into Venus while Sam, Penny, and Elvis got into Jupiter.

"Ready, Y/N?" Ellie asked, turning to you. Forever the athlete of the team, Ellie was always up for a challenge.

"Well, we are firefighters, after all," you said as you sped away to the emergency.

Before long you arrived. Norman Price had accidentally lit a match-again-and set the whole place on fire. It was so bad that the place was crumbling right before your eyes.

"Oh dear oh dear oh dear," Joe muttered as his wife, Lizzie, comforted him, "all of me inventions!!!"

"Don't worry," Hannah, his daughter, told him, "Fireman Sam and the Rescue Team will stop the fire!!!"

"Oh, but Norman's still in there!!" Joe panicked.

"Don't worry," you said as you put on your breathing gear (dont know what to call it lol), "I'll save him!!"

"Be careful, Y/N!!!" Penny called out, "the building could collapse at any moment!!"

You gave her a thumbs up and rushed inside. There was thick and heavy grey smoke all around you as you searched around for the ginger rascal.

"Y/N!!" came a voice, followed by several coughs, "I'm here!!"

You turned a corner and saw Norman lying below the smoke, trying not to breath.

"Good job staying below the smoke, Norman," you said as you quickly grabbed him. However, as you started to rush towards the exit, you felt the building start to collapse.

"Y/N!!!" Sam said, "get yourself and Norman out of there as fast as you can!!"

But before you even had the chance to reply, something heavy hit your head. Everything turned blurry, and you felt a bit dizzy.

"Y/N?" Norman asked, "are you okay?"

You collapsed on the ground as you felt something crash onto your head again.

The building was collapsing on you.

"Y/N!!!" you heard Elvis and Ellie scream out as things started to fade to black. You drifted in and out of consciousness, and all you could hardly remember was Sam rushing and grabbing both you and Norman.

"Fireman Sam!!" you heard Norman say faintly, "I'm okay, but Y/N!!!"

Elvis carried you towards the first aid kit as you started to close your eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N..."

The last thing you heard and saw was Joe's garage collapsing.

And then everything went pitch black.

You couldn't remember anything for a long time. It was just darkness. You couldn't think, you couldn't speak. It was like being asleep for the longest time.

Suddenly, you heard a beeping sound. What was going on? You started to come to, and before you knew it you had opened your eyes.

"Huh?" you said. Suddenly, a blinding, fiery pain all throughout your body. You winced in pain, but couldn't move much. Everything was stiff and motionless.

"Wha-what's going on?" You looked around, everything still blurry, and saw an IVF and a heart monitor, which was steadily beating.

"Y/N??" a voice called out. You saw the shape of Ellie forming into your vision.

"Ellie?" you muttered, "where am I..."

"You've been in a coma for 4 months," Ellie said, "everyone's been worried sick about you."

"W-why?" The pain was now blinding, and you could hardly concentrate on what Ellie was saying.

"You got hit with like two pieces of wood," Ellie explained, "and you got 3rd degree burns. You were so badly damaged that you fell into a coma, and they weren't sure if you would live or not. You have some brain damage, and the doctors said that you would have to relearn how to walk and how to read. They said you wouldn't even be able to talk. But oh, Y/N, you're alright!!!"

"No I'm not," you said, "I'm in so much pain right now... I wish that I had died..."

"Don't say that," Ellie said, wiping your sweat covered forehead, "you're going to be okay, Y/N."



"Wha-what about the others?"

"I'll tell them," Ellie said, pulling out her phone, "right now-"

"No, don't do that," you replied, "at least, not yet. I-I have to tell you something."

Ellie slowly put the phone down, "what is it?"

"Life is short," you told her, "and I need to tell you something that I should have told you a long time ago."

"Well, what is it?"

"I love you."

You were silent, expecting rejection. But Ellie smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N."

"Uh, can we kiss?"

"I suppose," Ellie said, "but you're covered in bandages."

You smiled as she gave your cheek a tender kiss. It made the pain more intense, but it was worth it.

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