Mrs. Chen x Female!Reader- New Firefighter

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Y/N was nervous. It was her first day on the job as a firefighter. Not that she was nervous about her new coworkers, she had already met them: Sam, Elvis, Penny, Ellie, and Arnold. They were fine, and she liked them. But today was her first official day out on patrol, and she was nervous about what the town of Pontypandy would think about her.

"Don't worry, Y/N," Elvis said as they walked down the sidewalk along with Sam, "everyone is going to LOVE you!!!"

"You really think so?" Y/N asked, "what if they think I'm weird??"

"They won't think that," Sam said as he put a hand on her shoulder, "I remember when Ellie and Arnold were new to the fire brigade and were worried about the exact same thing. But everyone loved them and they soon got used to this town."

"I guess you're right," Y/N replied, when suddenly a group of kids came running up to the three firefighters. One of them had ginger hair and glasses, two of them were blondes that were the same height, one of them was blonde and in a wheelchair, one of them had spiky black hair, and the littlest one was about 2 or 3 years old with black hair.

Sam smiled, "hello, kids."

"Who are you??" the ginger asked in an annoying voice.

"This is Y/N," Sam said, "she's the new firefighter."

"Oh," the ginger replied, "well, I'm Norman, the BEST kid in Pontypandy!!!"

"No, you're not," the little blonde girl replied, rolling her eyes and folding her arms.

"I'm Hannah," the other blonde girl said, "and over there's Sarah and James."

The two blonde kids waved.

"I'm Mandy," the kid with spiky hair said, "and this is Lily."

The little girl with black hair waved and said, "hi, Y/N!"

"Hi, Lily," Y/N waved.

"Children, there you are!!"

Y/N looked up, a bit shocked, to see where the voice came from. It was then that she saw the most beautiful woman that she had ever seen in her entire life. She had black hair, glasses, and was dressed oh-so neatly.

Y/N blushed, but tried to hide it. However, that annoying ginger said, "why are you blushing, Y/N??"

"Norman, don't be rude!" the beautiful woman said as she approached the group of kids. She looked like she was about 30 to 40 years of age. She smiled and blushed a little at the sight of Y/N. It had been a long time since she had seen such a pretty girl as her...

"Oh, I'm Mrs. Chen," she finally said as she picked up the little girl named Lily, "I assume that you've met my daughter Lily?"

"Oh, yes," Y/N replied, "my name's Y/N, by the way."

"Oh, that's a wonderful name; Y/N," Mrs. Chen said. Lily noticed the blush on her mother's face and a curious expression came upon hers. What was going on?

"Oh, thanks," Y/N grinned, feeling flustered.

She had a crush.

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