Trackstar Antelope Volume 32

Start from the beginning

I feel like it's a superpower now. If I was ever in a situation where I needed to rely on some information, I can just quickly fall back onto the information and statistics that I learnt from this handy almanac.

Eventually, Mum calls me out to dinner, and I leave the book... only for a little while, of course.

Chapter 295: Bludgeoned by Knowledge

After dinner, I move back into my room to study even more on the Almanac. I could go days reading this thing. This thing is like Abe; it both fascinates me and terrifies me.

Eventually, I decide to move on. I didn't leave myself much time for homework tonight... I also need to get online and register Levi as my partner for Shearing Day. I'm sure Sam and Riley have already had everything sorted out for them, whoever they're going with...

I still can't believe that herbivores from our school actually asked Sam and Riley to Shearing Day. Sam has rumours about him all over the place, and Riley wears a muzzle!

After a small amount of homework, I shut my light off and get some sleep. I wonder if all this knowledge and reassurance on carnivores can make my nightmares a little tamer...


Well, here's a good time to test it out. Looks like I'm dreaming again. I'm in the school gym, and the room is completely dark, except for a faint spotlight the middle. I take a step out, but I notice that I am as light as a feather. A simple gust of wind could blow me all the way across the country.

I can hear a few voices around me, but it seems like they're coming from the light in front of me. I walk over to see Nalu and Leah, who are cowering behind Peri. Peri's spikes have puffed up, and he's emitting some sort of a hissing sound. They all look kind of frightened as they look towards the ground where the light is shining.

"LET ME GO!!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!!" I hear from behind me. I see Riley, angrier than I've ever seen him. The only time I've ever seen a canine so mad was in a movie, and they were just actors. Sam is holding him back, in tears as well.

Finally, I turn around to the dim spotlight, and there I see, appearing before my eyes, Coach Harris.

He's crouching down and holding something in his arms. His face is washed with grief, shock, and panic, yet he can't seem to move. He's holding something big close to his body, but I can't see what it is.

Beneath Coach Harris' crouched knees, I can see a small puddle of blood forming on the ground. The blood begins to come out more and more, it looks like it's not gonna stop soon.

"I..." Coach Harris begins to say. "I don't know what came over me!" he shrieks "I'm so sorry everyone..." he says. "I'm sorry, buddy" he adds, talking to the large object. I notice that he has a bit of blood on his jaw and his teeth as well. He slowly places of what he's holding onto the ground, revealing...


There I lie, outside of my own body, in a pool of my own blood, surrounded by the carnivores I trust... and one I trusted. My eyes shoot off to ceiling, devoid of any emotion. I'm not moving. It looks like... I'm dead. There's a bite mark to my neck, and deep claw marks running up the side of my thighs...

The mark of a feline attack. But wait, that smell! The one I found outside Coach Harris' office earlier... It's back.


Coach Harris doesn't say anything. He just looks at my body, laying on the ground, still as can be. The pool of blood just continues to run. No one is doing anything, no one says anything. Coach Harris stands up, towering over my corpse. Sam is struggling to hold onto Riley and keep him calm. I turn around to find Peri, Nalu and Leah, but they're nowhere to be seen.

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