Trackstar Antelope Volume 35

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Chapter 325: Flipping the Bull Idea

"Jamel, I know you're out there" Murray says from his room. "Come on, I'm not gonna bite ya"

Well... I guess he's not lying about that. I slowly open the door to see Murray sitting on his bed, with one of his pant legs rolled up. I look around to see three other beds in the room. I guess Murray has to share with his brothers.

It smells horribly stale in here. Old and dirty clothes, at least fifty different kinds of deodorant, sweat, and dust. I'd ask them to open a window, but I'm sure it's jammed

"Hey... how are you holding up, Murray?" I ask him. I don't know what to say, really. I barely know anything about him, and we don't get along. I still don't know why he asked me to visit him...

"Well, I'll be off my leg for about a week, and I need it to heal from all the scratches and cuts... so really, I'm feeling like shit" Murray replies bluntly. Well, that's kind of what I expected to hear. I peer over at his leg. It's all bandaged up, but I'm sure he'll be fine and back in the schoolyard, pestering me before we know it.

"What did you think of Shearing Day this year? Y'know, before those dogs..." I begin. I need a sign on what I'm supposed to talk to him about.

"I thought it was kind of nice actually. I thought I'd hate it because there would be carnivores trying to steal the show" Murray tells me. "But I looked around and saw everyone having a good time. Carnivores were interested and learning more about us, and I felt like the herbivores also felt welcome and safe too" he added. I'm happy to hear that Murray thought this way about yesterday.

"But still, I'm not pleased that those dogs left me in bed with a damaged leg. Thankfully Odis was there to save me... I should probably thank him, but no one's heard from him lately..." Murray added. My head shoots up in response. Odis was saving Murray?

"Is Odis missing? Didn't he go home yesterday?" I say, surprised.

"Nah. After the paramedics told me I needed to go to the hospital, I saw him walking away, towards the river, I think. I hope he's alright though" Murray explained. "He probably thinks he's in trouble with his parents, so he's hiding from them. But he's got nothing to worry about... I won't tell them what happened between me and him, except for him saving my life"

"I never really understood Odis... was he a good guy in the end? He tried turning me against Riley and Levi a few weeks ago at school, you know" I discussed with Murray. He sat upright in his bed, I guess this is what he wanted to talk to me about.

"I've had time to think about it... I believe he wanted all herbivores to be safe, but he didn't think about what we wanted as well. He thought Riley would be a little scary around you, so he wanted you to stay away. If herbivores and carnivores were kept away from each other, then both would learn to adapt. To be honest, I think the same thing, just not as strongly as he does..." Murray tells me. I guess it's better knowing his intentions. He always wanted me, Murray and other herbivores to be safe, but he never realised that I feel so comfortable with Riley, Levi, Sam and all the other carnivores I've met, especially this year, with my running. "But he wasn't always thinking straight, sadly."

"What do you mean? Did he have something against carnivores as well?" I reply.

"Do you remember seeing me and him fight at the front of the school?" Murray asked me. I nod in response. "I mentioned something to Odis in front of everyone about his little "secret", remember?" I have a feeling I'm not gonna like what I'm about to hear. "Well, this secret will stay between you and me, hopefully, but..." he says, before hesitating.

"He... I caught him using herbivore blood. It was those two other dogs, the Dalmatian and the Great Dane that were giving it to him" he told me. "About five minutes before the fight, I noticed him leaving the bathroom with a small blood stain on his lip"

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