Trackstar Antelope Volume 2

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Chapter 6: The Dreaded Feline

Whoever came up with the phrase "Silence is Bliss" certainly has never been in my shoes.

What am I supposed to say? What is he supposed to say? Is anyone supposed to say something?

It's a cold, windy night, the streets are bare, and the sun has already set. I can only see a few metres ahead of me, and I'm walking home from school with an awkward, shy tiger. Any small talk would be wonderful because the walk is about 10 minutes long.

"So... uh... how many are trying out for the race?" I ask after a while.

No response. Did he hear me at all? Was I too quiet? Did I only think that I said that?

"A-About 8 or so... it's a bit less than last year." He said after a while.

"Oh OK" I replied.

What now? Ask him another question or back off from talking to him. I have heard that felines don't usually socialize, but this is ridiculous. He's helping me out with something here; the least we could do is make some small talk. We turn the corner into the next street; only a block left to go.

"So... uh. Do you... like to run?" He asks. Wow, we're both in an awkward position here.

"...Yeah. I guess it's nice to run and keep fit." I reply.

"Is running the only sport that you do?" he asks again. Finally, we're making progress.

"Yeah. We Blackbucks like to stay active and run long distances. I doubt I'm the first athlete of my species" I add... man, this is slow

"I wouldn't know. But I think it would be pretty amazing if you made it to the Regional Finals".

Our state, Werrina, has four levels of athletics and sports carnivals. First is the school carnival, where students at the same school compete to qualify to the next stage, which is the Regional Finals. The Regionals consist of several schools in the area, and the winners move onto the District Finals. The "Districts" are usually done in a bigger city, with better facilities and it's a big deal. Athletes from hours away come together and try their very best to make it to the State Finals, the big one. The State Finals is where the best in all of Werrina gather in the Capital City, Durranga. Most of the animals that make this level go on to represent our country in the Olympics.

"You really think so?" I reply in anticipation. Only a day ago, him and his friends were harassing me for wanting to try a sport. Earlier this morning, he ran away from me after saying hello. Now he really thinks I have a shot at being a good runner. "Well... I doubt I could beat you... You made the State Finals last year; you must have been training hard... to get there." I said.

As I was talking to Sam, I remembered the rumour about him. About how he moved to Whigata after devouring someone. It is said that carnivores sometimes devour to gain strength and a lot of protein to make them stronger, faster and more powerful. Maybe, and I'm not giving into these rumours and saying that they are true, but if they are, maybe that's why he's so strong, and able to be a good athlete.

"Still, you never know. You'd be able to surprise the competition and amaze the other schools." He adds

"Yeah." I say hesitantly. We cross the road, only a few houses to go. Now I can't say anything. I look up at him. He doesn't seem interested in the conversation, and a little uncomfortable. Gee, maybe those rumours aren't as farfetched as I once thought.

"Oh, this is my house. Thank you so much, Sam. You're a nice guy" I say. Maybe if I act nice to him, he'll feel better about himself after what he did. It's only natural for herbivores our age to kiss up to carnivores, especially larger ones that we don't know well enough.

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