Trackstar Antelope Volume 6

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Chapter 36: Just a little bit different.

I lie in bed, thinking about what happened. Two dreams like that? Something doesn't add up. It can't just be my instincts, there has to be something else going on. I'll go to sleep for now, and everything will be fine by morning.

Everything... will be...

I wake up at 7:00. Hmm, seems a bit earlier than I usually wake up. Hmm... something about my room seems off. Did my room get bigger overnight? Perhaps my horns grew a bit, and my head feels heavy. No, not those. Something just seems a little... abnormal.

I head to the bathroom and jump in the shower. Maybe the water pressure is weaker? No, the light seems a bit dimmer. It isn't those either. Something has definitely changed, and I can't put my finger on it.

Does this toast taste different? Maybe I grew overnight? What's going on? Am I forgetting something, did something change overnight that I don't know about? Maybe something hasn't happened YET, but something WILL happen later on. Better be cautious today. Everyone is acting weird lately. Riley is sick, I learnt about Sam's tragic past, Levi is acting antsy and Don won't talk to me... maybe ever again. I feel like such an idiot. Okay, once I get to school, I'll talk to Riley, comfort Sam, see what's happening with Levi and see if Don will ever look me in the eye again.

With all that's been happening, I forgot that I actually qualified yesterday. Heck, I still can't believe that I even got to race, considering my chances. I'll need to seriously prepare for the District Finals in Lavalla next... actually, when is the next race? Maybe a week or two at the most. Gee, I'll have a lot to do to prepare for the next race. What if I come dead last and everyone laughs at me? I've never even been to Lavalla, what's it like, how big is it; better question, is it safe for herbivores like me?

I get all my books and school gear ready, and walk out the door, ready to go to school. That reminds me, I have the news interview after school. I can't stop thinking about what in my life feels different today. Do the leaves look more orange than usual? Maybe my school shirt is a bit tighter... argh, this is gonna drive me INSANE!! I try and ignore this feeling and make my way to school quickly, maybe I'll see Riley there, and he can comfort me.

I'm always thankful for what my carnivore friends do for me. It always seems like the carnivores are here to protect herbivores like me. I think back to how Sam scared off that stubborn alpaca in town, and how Tye, Kevin and everyone else saved me from the hyena just yesterday. Considering that the "Toothless Australia" cult seems to be growing, and that carnivores are risking being falsely accused of horrible crimes, it's about time that I do some protecting of my own. No offence to them, but Sam would fold so easily under pressure, and dingoes like Riley have a bad rap around these rural parts.

Alright, that settles it! From this moment on, I agree to protect all carnivores in my community from any injustice and unfair bias, no matter how big and scary they may seem, no one deserves something like this to happen. As I make this promise to myself, I happily march into school grounds, already thinking of ways I can help make myself seem more prominent towards helping carnivores. For one, I need to apologise to Dom and explain myself, I'm sure he'd understand if I told him about the incident with the hyena. Next, I'll need to check in on Levi and Riley. Maybe they were both just having bad days yesterday, and I can be there to support them.

Maybe after, I could ask Erica for advice on how to prepare for the District Finals. She competed last year in the Hurdles, so she'd understand what the competition is like. But no matter what, I need to be there for Sam. He might be one of the largest felines at our school, but he's still pretty vulnerable to what herbivores think of him. I check the time on my phone, 8:17. 40 minutes until school starts? I have a lot of time on my hands to find everyone I can.

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