Trackstar Antelope Volume 40

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Chapter 375: A Palace of Curiosity

Mr. Korban leads me through the doors, and there I can see...

A hallway.

Just a hallway full of different doors and room. Not exactly what I had in mind, but okay...

"I'm very happy to have you here Jamel. It won't look like much at first, but you'll soon meet the others" the enthusiastic goat tells me. I assume by others; he means the other herbivores who came here for the weekend.

We continue walking for a bit longer, giving me some time to think. I keep on noticing the large claw mark on Mr. Korban's left arm. Coach Harris did all that, and he only hesitated soon after?

He must've been one powerful beast when he was 18, and now? I shudder to think about it...

"You know, you're more popular and influential than you think, young Jamel" Mr. Korban tells me. "It's as if you started a sporting revolution, right here in Werrina" he adds.

"Well, I've always liked running, and some friends convinced me to sign up, and now... here I am!" I tell him.

"I was informed of a school near Cape Reda that has an Herbivore Volleyball team now. They aren't great, but with a bit of training, they'll get there. It's all powered on ambition at the moment" Mr. Korban tells me. "There's also reports from at least ten high schools in Durranga that herbivore students are keen to try out for next year's sports competition."

Wow, I never realised I started all this...

"We've had a record amount of younger herbivores come in and ask if there were any sporting events or leagues for them. I believe the city wants to set a few up as well" he adds.

"I'd be more than happy to help out in any way that I can" I tell him adamantly. "I'm so happy there are others who want to become athletes too."

Mr. Korban stops abruptly, before turning towards a door. I was so focused on the conversation that I almost bumped into him.

"Well, I know this might seem a bit rude, but we were wondering if you'd like to answer a few frequently-asked questions" Mr. Korban says, opening the door in front of him, to reveal a cupboard. He leans in to pull out a microphone and camera...

"What... sort of questions?" I say. I'm not gonna be on the news again, I hope.

"Every Tuesday, we hold a small radio session on "Dove FM" in the evening for listeners across the city to tune into. We usually hold advice, or talk about news, in fact you were the subject of last week's discussion." Mr. Korban tells me. "We had so many calls about you that we just couldn't answer, so, if you don't mind terribly... would you be okay if I interviewed you?"

I think back to the interviews from Lavalla. All sorts of cameras and pushy interviewers trying to ask questions... and that one man from Toothless Australia... I'm sure Mr. Korban won't be like that.

Mr. Korban has a beautifully, peaceful, calm, yet energetic feeling about him. His presence warms up a room, and despite being a small herbivore, he seems very protecting and caring about everything around him. Even carnivores.

"Of course... I'd be happy to."


Mr. Korban isn't wasting any time. He's setting up the camera and microphone right here in the hallway, as I awkwardly wait.

"Alright, Dove Listeners, Mr. Korban here, and today, I have Jamel, Herbivore Athlete Extraordinaire, and he's here in Durranga for one week, all the way from the small town of Whigata. Tell us Jamel, how can herbivore students around the city join up for sports?

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