Trackstar Antelope Volume 16

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Chapter 132: Interrupted from the Office

We all wait eagerly for Coach Harris to announce our plans for today. He said that we'll be having a change of pace, so who know what we could be doing.

Just then, we hear the doors behind us open, and a small sheep slowly walks through. I believe she works in the front office of the school.

"Uhh... good morning, ma'am" Coach Harris says. This woman doesn't seem happy. Did Coach do something wrong?

"Good morning Mr. Harris. I need Jamel the Antelope and you to go to Mr. Virtanen's Office" she says in a stern tone. Did I do something wrong? Coach looks at me, a little bit confused. I look around at my friends, who are a bit curious. I wonder if they know anything about what's happening...

Coach Harris and I both hesitantly move towards the sheep, before Erica takes over in the announcements. We both move outside into the cold morning air.

"Follow me" the sheep says bluntly, before turning around and walking along. Coach Harris then leans down to my level.

"What did you do?" he asks me quietly.

"I don't know." I reply. And this time I'm serious. I really don't know what I could have done that could be pinned to me... unless... they found out about Nalu in our dorm building last night.

I understand that after the incident with both of our dads that he's trying to make me feel more comfortable, but he can't just risk something like that. I hope he realises now that we're in a very different place to Whigata, and there are different expectations on how we treat each other. Very different, indeed...

I like Nalu; he's curious, thoughtful and nice to have around, but at times he can be immature and naïve, which makes him difficult to be friends with. I guess we were all like that when we were young. He's still in Year 7, so he'll get mature as the years go by. I noticed he acts a bit different around us, but he's the youngest by far, so he might be trying to fit in

The three of us move into the main building, and down a corridor towards Mr. Virtanen's Office. Even though I didn't necessarily do anything wrong, I think Nalu is more in trouble than I should be, I'm kind of worried and nervous about all this. But really, what's the worst that could happen?

The sheep points to two large chairs outside Mr. Virtanen's office, before walking back to her office.

"Do you know what this is about?" I ask Coach Harris.

"Not at all, I would have thought you'd have an idea though." He replies. I do, but I hope I'm wrong.

A few minutes pass as I sink into my seat. I feel uncomfortable, and for once, it's not because I'm an herbivore. How embarrassing; getting in trouble at another school. I wonder why they want to see Coach Harris though... perhaps so he can punish me as well.

Who would have seen me though, I didn't notice anyone, and I feel like someone in the dorms would have confronted me about it. And why am I the only one getting in trouble? It was Nalu who was in our building. I didn't invite him over or anything.

The large door suddenly opens, and Mr. Virtanen is inside. I can also see a few others inside as well.

"Jamel, Mr. Harris... please enter" he says briefly. I nervously stand up; with Coach Harris following behind... here's hoping this runs swiftly.

Chapter 133: Hiding the Allegations

"Please sit" Mr. Virtanen guides us to two of the four chairs facing his desk. I walk in and see Fassid and Masama also sitting in the chairs. I'm sure they know something about this; you can see it in their eyes. Mr. Virtanen then sits back down at his desk, and the four of us pay attention to him.

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