Trackstar Antelope Volume 14

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Chapter 111: These Berriwan Mornings

I feel a gentle ray of sun hit my face, and quickly after, a bell rings. It doesn't sound like the normal school bell though. I guess I forgot I was in a different place for a bit.

"Good morning, students of Berriwan College. It is 7:30AM and today is Thursday, the 3rd of September. The current temperature outside is 6.7 degrees Celsius, and today's top temperature will be 18 degrees." I hear an announcement play across the room.

"What on earth was that?" I say in a sleepy haze while rolling onto my side. I see the other four already out of bed, getting their school stuff ready.

"Morning announcements. An alarm wakes us up then they tell us the date, time, weather and all that." Sona informs me.

"Hang on, they're about to announce today's menu" Kero says. We all pause to listen up

"...Today at breakfast, we will be serving sweet potato pancakes and spinach smoothies. There will also be..."

Spinach smoothie? That sounds absolutely disgusting.

"Don't worry; it tastes better than it sounds. The food here is pretty decent" Jeddi tells me. "Anyway, we better get ready for our showers."

"Oh, something I should have mentioned, we shower on a schedule in our building. At 7:35, we're scheduled to have our showers with the bovines." Sona says

"As in... together? In the same..." I begin. Boarding school is weirder than I thought...

"As if. We have cubicles, but there aren't enough for all the herbivores. Just for each of the groups." Paddo mentions. I was a little worried about the shower situation, to be honest.

"Uh... just a second, I need to get my towel." I say. I rummage through my bag for my towel, as well as a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, a change of clothes and deodorant.

"You won't need a towel. We have a dryer that completely dries the whole body in seconds." Kero tells me. I put my towel back, amazed from this "body dryer" thing.

"Oh, by the way, something that the school says that we have to do is..." Sona says.

"Alright I'm ready. Let's go" I interrupt. I didn't realise he was talking until I interrupted him.

"Uh sure. Never mind, nothing important." He said. We all leave our dorm in our pyjamas and walk down the hallway. I can hear Kero and Sona already talking about schoolwork, or something, and Jeddi's already talking to someone down the hallway.

"So, what do you have planned today, Jamel?" Paddo asks me. I'm still a little shaken by the fact that he's a hybrid. Of course, I have nothing wrong with that, I'm just... not used to it.

"Well, I think we're doing some training today at the athletics track down the road, but I'm not sure what's after that" I tell him. We then stop at a large red door, and Sona writes something into a board, hanging against the wall. Another group of herbivores come around from behind us. I quickly realise that it's a group of sheep.

"Hey Sona, how's things?" one of them asks.

"Yeah, not bad. Have you met Jamel yet?" Sona replies. They all quickly turn around to see me.

"What, that athlete guy from 'Whiggy', or something?" he replies.

"Yeah, from Whigata. He's staying with us for the week." Kero tells them.

"How are you finding Berriwan so far?" another sheep asks.

"Uh... yeah, it's not bad. It's way different to Whigata though. I didn't know what to expect from a school like Berriwan" I tell them. I notice another group walking around the corner as well.

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