23. Returning to Mayalok

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After acquiring Plasmic powers, Vikram noticed that his appearance had changed to that of an old man, which came as a surprise to him. Later, Chaitambar took Vikram to another dimension filled with lightness, where he quickly adjusted his eyesight and landed on the ground. On arrival, he was faced with 2.5 million soldiers, all of whom were heavily armoured and accompanied by tanks.

As he faced the fully armed soldiers, he worried about the innocent people he needed to protect. He closed his eyes and joined his palms together, causing the Power Mark stripes on his body to turn cyan. When he opened his eyes, he released a Plasmic Vortex attack, but it only managed to eliminate less than half a per cent of the soldiers. Feeling defeated, he decided to combine the Plasmic Vortex with Storm Release. He closed his palms once more, and the cyan mark on his body began to glow brighter. With a mighty roar, he unleashed the attack using his full potential.

After the attack, he noticed that 20% of the soldiers were killed. Despite being exhausted, he did not stop. He combined the Plasmic Vortex with Blaze, Magnet, Scorch, and Explosion releases. One by one, he kept releasing Plasmic Blaze, Plasmic Magnet, Plasmic Scorch, and Plasmic Explosion. It consumed a lot of Ūrja, but he kept going. Soon, all the foot soldiers were killed, except for 10 tough ones. To defeat them, Vikram drew out his sword and ignited it with teal-coloured flames. Gradually, the flames grew darker and spread to his cape and armour, turning them into a dark teal colour.

Sprinting towards the group of soldiers, brandished his weapon with a fierce determination. With calculated movements, he began slashing at each of his enemies with deadly precision. Despite the odds stacked against him, he managed to kill them all. Exhausted and gasping for breath, he collapsed to the ground in a heap. When he eventually came to, he found himself lying next to Chaitambar, who had been watching over him. "Are you feeling better now, Maharshi?" Chaitambar asked with concern. Vikram nodded weakly in response. Picking him up, Chaitambar and Vikram took to the sky and flew away from the scene.

After teleporting, Vikram and Chaitambar finally arrived in Mayalok. "I am back to this Heaven after four centuries," Chaitambar exclaimed. Vikram was surprised to hear this and asked, "Four centuries? Was I out of Mayanagar for that long?" Chaitambar clarified, "No, Maharshi. You have been away for only two and a half centuries. I was referring to myself." Despite this, Vikram was still in shock. He could see that Mayalok had developed and Mayanagar had become more advanced in terms of technology, yet its values remained unchanged. As they landed in Mayavan, Vikram saw some snake guards coming towards him, but to his surprise, something unexpected happened.

As Vikram stood before the group of snake guards who had surrounded him, he felt a sense of fear and uncertainty. They all stared at him with a look of suspicion and demanded to know who he was and what he was doing there. Vikram, taken aback by their hostility, replied in a calm voice, "It is me, Vikramaditya!" But they refused to believe him and insisted that he prove his identity to them. "Let her decide whether you are truly him or not," they said, referring to someone who had not yet appeared.

Before Vikram could utter another word, he noticed a sudden movement out of the corner of his eye. In the blink of an eye, someone appeared in front of him. It was his wife, Ahivati, but she looked different from how he remembered her. Her skin was fairer, she had seductive abdominal muscles, her lower body was that of a black serpent, and she was wearing a black leather blouse and a black dhoti, adorned with a gold chain around her waist, a gold necklace and a tiara on her head. She looked like a Warrior Empress. Vikram was stunned and felt butterflies after seeing her enhanced beauty. He just kept seeing her.

She approached Vikram and asked him a question that only he could answer, "What was the only name by which he refused me to call him?" Vikram replied without hesitation, "My Lord. I had refused you from calling me Lord." Ahivati was stunned by his answer and rushed towards him, embracing him tightly. "Adi! Where were you? I have been searching for you for so many decades!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.

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