10. Transformation

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Vikram woke up on the fourth day of his training and stepped out of his room to find Pavitra and Kadambari sitting on the balcony couch. He greeted them and asked how their training was going. Pavitra replied that hers was tiring but enjoyable. Kadambari expressed nostalgia for the old days when they used to sit and chat after dinner, before complaining about how complicated things had become because of the Dark Queen. Vikram and Pavitra agreed with Kadambari's assertion.

The three of them went downstairs to the living room where the Sages and the Healer Siblings were having their tea. Vikram asked Shashidhar, "Aaba, what will you teach us today?" to which he replied, "Vikram, today I will teach you some Lightning attacks. I will also teach you how to combine water and lightning to form a Storm Release." Vikram got enthusiastic after hearing that.

All three of them set out for their fourth day of training. Vikram had been meeting that white snake every day. He felt the presence of Princess Ahivati whenever it came near him. Vikram began his training.

Shashidhar told him that his left palm would produce lightning and the right one would have water. Joining both hands, letting Ūrja flow through both palms and then opening both at the same time. Shashidhar showed him how to do it. Vikram did it the same way but was astonished to see that he could do more damage than Shashidhar. His Aaba was impressed. He told Vikram, "Vikram, it looks like you mastered the Storm release on the first day itself. I am proud of you. There are 10 base attacks of Water and 10 of Lightning. You can combine both and form many different attacks."

Meanwhile, Pavitra learned the Magnet release and Kadambari learned the Volcanic release. All of their grandfathers were proud of them.

They looked at their Marks, Vikram's mark had reached his shoulder, Pavitra's mark had reached her bicep, and the same with Kadambari. At night after dinner, the three of them sat on the balcony and gazed at the dark purple sky. The Moon was pure white. Vikram said, "After I finish my training every day, a white snake comes towards me. It makes me feel the presence of Princess Ahivati. I don't know how." Pavitra replied in a teasing manner, "I think you're in love. Huh, Vikram?" Kad said, "Shhhh Shhh Shhh. Oye, what are you saying? You love her or what?" "Let's not discuss this," Vikram said, blushingly.

After six months of rigorous training, Pavitra and Kadambari had undergone a remarkable transformation. They had become fitter than before and had developed into skilled Warrioresses. In addition, they had awakened their Divya Netra, with Pavitra unlocking the Vayunetra (Eye of Wind) and Kadambari unlocking the Agninetra (Eye of Flame). The marks of their powers had appeared on their foreheads. They had mastered the art of using their powers wisely and carefully and had even perfected their summoning techniques. Their swords had also been upgraded, and they had created personalized attacks and defences.

Contrastingly, Vikram had achieved all of this in just three-and-a-half months. His powers were on a whole new level, and he boasted a God-like physique with a muscular chest, broad shoulders, big back and big arms. He had mastered Snake summoning in just four weeks, and his sword had undergone an upgrade. He had also awakened his Jalnetra and had created some personalized attacks and defences.

The Three friends had not seen each other for six months, since their grandfathers had instructed them to stay alone if they wanted to master their powers. Pavitra was excited to meet Kadambari again, and asked about Vik, wondering how he had changed. They were on the balcony of Bhavan, waiting for Vikram to join them.

When Vikram arrived, Pavitra and Kadambari were amazed at how much he had transformed. After six months of training, he was now six feet tall and almost unrecognizable. They complimented him on his god-like appearance and wondered how much stronger his powers had become.

As they sat and chatted, Mrinmayee came to call them for snacks. When they arrived in the living room, they found it empty except for the four of them and Mrinmayee. Vikram asked about the whereabouts of the Great Sages and Hriday Dada. Mrinmayee informed them that they were all in a private meeting with Mayanaresh and that the four of them had been invited to dinner by the Princess.

Little did Vikram know about the unforeseeable events that would soon change his destiny. What challenges would he encounter shortly?

To be continued...

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