13. Bhujgendra's Confession

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After the attack, Snake guards were deployed all over the place. In the evening, Vikram left for the palace, walking through the roads. The guards were using their magical powers to assist the civilians in rebuilding their properties. Whenever a guard saw Vikram, they would bow down and greet him.

Upon his arrival at the palace, a guard asked Vikram to accompany him inside. They both went in and reached the court where Vikram bowed and greeted both Bhujgendra and Ahivati. Bhujgendra then announced that Vikram would be Ahivati's husband and that he would no longer have to bow down before them. Vikram was overjoyed and expressed his love for Ahivati, vowing to protect her at all costs.

Bhujgendra extended an invitation to Vikram, requesting him to stay at their palace for a few days. Ahivati too asked him to stay with her. He agreed. Following Bhujgendra's confession, Ahivati and Vikram proceeded to the balcony where the moon shone brightly in the sky. Ahivati then asked Vikram how he felt about their upcoming marriage to which he replied, "I am happy and joyful" while holding her hand. "Promise me that you will always be by my side," he added. They both shared a deep gaze, and Vikram was able to see the sincerity in her eyes.

As the night wore on, she asked him if he would like to spend the night with her. He replied, "I don't have a problem with that, but we have to stay within our limits, okay?" She was impressed by his principled demeanour and agreed to his condition.

Vikram was talking about his powers, and Ahivati couldn't take her eyes off him. She admired his man bun with two strands of hair on either side, his royal blue eyes, and his clean-shaven face. Suddenly, he asked, "Ahi? Uh oh... are you lost in me again?" She quickly snapped back to reality, "Huh? Oh... Sincere Apologies... So shall we go to my room?" He nodded, and they walked hand in hand to her room.

After returning to her room, Ahivati began to remove her jewellery while Vikram took off his kurta. As he did, she noticed his muscular chest, large arms, and demonic back. They both lay down on opposite ends of the bed, respecting each other's boundaries as they drifted off to sleep, each thinking about the other.

The next morning, Vikram woke up unable to move. He opened his eyes and saw Ahivati sleeping soundly, curled up around him. He kissed her forehead, and she snuggled in closer, asking him not to leave just yet. He held her tightly, cherishing the moment until she finally woke up and loosened her grip, allowing him to get out of bed.

Ahivati tied her hair and asked Vikram if he was going back to Bhavan for his training. He said he was, but he offered to stay for breakfast if she wanted him to. Ahivati nodded and playfully called him "My lord" and winked at him, to which he responded with a smile and a chuckle before leaving.

After leaving the palace, Vikram returned to Bhavan where he found everyone relaxing. He asked Mrinmayee for a glass of water and while she handed it to him, she teasingly asked if he had slept with the Princess. Vikram replied that they had slept on the same bed, but at opposite ends to maintain their boundaries. However, in the morning he found that the Princess had wrapped herself around him. He mentioned that he had been requested to have breakfast with her after his training.

Pavitra spoke with confidence, "It's official. Someone has fallen in love with the princess." Kadambari, with a curious smile on her face, asked her brother, "Are you the one who's going to marry her?" Vikram's eyes lit up, and he replied, "Gather everyone, I have something to confess." They stepped outside, where the four sages and Hriday were waiting for them. Without wasting any time, Vikram made his announcement, "Mayanaresh has asked me to marry Ahivati, and I have accepted." Everyone was overjoyed and congratulated Vikram. Shashidhar, Vikram's grandfather, expressed his happiness, "Finally, I will see my grandson get married!" He then asked Vikram, "What made Ahivati fall for you?" Vikram proudly replied, "My dedication, hard work, bravery, dignity, and obedience. That's why Mayanaresh chose me to marry his daughter." Indradatt and Raghvendra were curious and asked him, "When is the big day?" Vikram replied, "I don't know, but it will be soon."

Hriday suggested, "We should start preparing for the wedding." However, Vikram had more news to share. He interrupted Hriday and said, "King Bhujgendra has offered me the position of Emperor of Mayalok. My Rajyabhishek will take place after my wedding to Ahivati." Everyone was stunned by this announcement, but soon after, they were happy again. Shashidhar reminded Vikram, "Don't let this distract you from your goal of defeating the Dark Queen." Vikram reassured him, "Don't worry, Aaba. After I become the Emperor, I will train the soldiers hard and then start a war against her. And I know that all of you will help me, won't you?" Everyone nodded in agreement, their hearts filled with pride for their beloved Vikram.

Little did he know that the future held a plethora of mysteries and unpredictable events. The looming question remained: would Mayalok be able to ward off any potential attacks from the Ministers of Dark Queen? The anticipation and uncertainty of what was to come weighed heavily on his mind.

To be continued...

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