12. Attack on Mayalok

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When Vikram woke up in the morning, he was getting ready for his training session. The incidents of the previous night had left him feeling better. Suddenly, Mrinmayee burst into his room and exclaimed, "Dada, hurry up! The Palace is under attack. Pavitra and Kadambari are fighting the frogs in the city market. The four great sages are also aiding them, and Hriday Dada is tending to the injured. Let's go!"

Though Vikram was confused, there wasn't any time to waste. He quickly got up, put his gear on, and left for the Palace with Mrinmayee. As they were hurrying, they noticed the destruction of properties and the injured being taken to a shelter. After a while, they stumbled upon Pavitra, Kadambari, Hriday, and the four sages. Mrinmayee asked, "Where are the victims? We need to rush to the shelters as soon as possible. Dada, let's go." Hriday nodded, and they left.

Vikram asked Pavitra, Kadambari, and the sages to handle the frogs in the city while he went to protect Mayanaresh and Ahivati. He then left for the palace.

As he made his way, he was worried about the safety of both Mayanaresh and Ahivati. Upon reaching the Palace, Vikram found that the Snake guard had taken control of the situation. He asked the guards about the whereabouts of the King and the Princess. One of them informed him that they were being protected by the Senapati. Vikram wasted no time and rushed to the courtroom, guided by the voices he heard. What he saw there filled him with rage.

He saw two enemies approaching Mayanaresh and Ahivati with weapons, while the army commanders lay unconscious. Vikram challenged the attackers, shouting, "Hey you cowards! If you call yourselves brave, then fight me!". The enemies accepted the challenge and attacked him.

He stopped an attack by two females and engaged in a fierce fight with them. Ahivati warned Vikram about their hypnotic abilities and advised him not to look into their eyes. Vikram understood and avoided their attempts to make him look at them. Despite their constant release of hypnosis attacks, Vikram's speed allowed him to dodge them easily. Eventually, he charged towards them with his sword and fatally stabbed one of the enemies in the chest. The other enemy threatened Vikram, but he remained calm, closed his palm and unleashed a massive storm onto her. She managed to dodge it, but when she tried to stab Vikram with her sword, he dodged it and got a scratch on his chest. Vikram then joined his palm again and released another storm, killing the second enemy.

After defeating the two commanders, Vikram searched their bodies for clues that would lead him towards the Dark Queen. However, he found nothing except for the vests they were wearing, which had "Kanishth 5" and "Kanishth 6" written on them. He recalled that Shashidhar had mentioned the Dark Queen's 12 most powerful ministers, and he wondered if these two were lower-ranked members.

Bhujgendra expressed gratitude to Vikram for saving them and acknowledged his skills as a warrior. Both commanders later regained consciousness, and Vikram helped them up. He asked for their names and learned that they were Kartikeya and Pranay. Pranay inquired how Vikram was able to dodge their attacks, given that they possessed hypnosis, to which Vikram replied that his lightning elemental powers enabled him to do so.

Pavitra and Kadambari arrived at the court to find Bhujgendra, Pranay, Kartikeya, Ahivati, and Vikram. They asked Vikram about the incidents and he explained that the Dark Queen had sent them. Vikram inquired about the city's condition and Kadambari reassured him that everything was under control and all the frogs had been eliminated.

Suddenly, Pavitra was captivated by Kartikeya's stunning beauty. Kartikeya, who was half human and half snake, had a snake's lower body, dark green irises, long black hair, a muscular physique, and a captivating voice. He too was attracted to Pavitra's beauty, and they both wished to talk to each other.

Pranay and Kadambari were also taken in by each other's beauty. Pranay, who was also half human and half snake, had a lower snake's body, red hair, red irises, and a fit physique. He approached Kadambari, and they began conversing. Meanwhile, Pavitra and Kartikeya were also talking to each other.

Ahivati went to Vikram and touched his wound. She closed her eyes and suddenly the scar started healing on its own. She then asked him to meet her at night as her father wanted to talk to both of them. Vikram nodded in agreement.

As they walked back to the Bhavan, Pavitra asked Vikram, "What do you know about Kartikeya? Is he brave?" Vikram replied, "If he was not brave, then why would he be the commander of the army? Of course, he is brave. And the way you are asking, I think you are in love with him." Pavitra was red with embarrassment.

Kadambari then said, "I find Pranay attractive. Just look at him! His red hair, his red eyes! It seems like he has the powers of fire." Vikram replied, "It could be. I am happy for you both that you have found someone that you like."

As they arrived at Bhavan, all four sages and the healing siblings were present. Hriday asked Vik, "How is the situation in the palace?" Vik responded, "Everything is under control, dada. How did this all happen all of a sudden?" Shashidhar explained, "It was a planned attack by both the Lower 5 and Lower 6. They might attack again."

So, what's next for them? What Bhujgendra will say to Vikram. And how will Ahivati and Vikram make their love even stronger? It's gonna be exciting to see what happens next!

To be continued...

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