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Michael watched in viperous joy as she saw Aziraphale briefly explain the situation to Muriel. While the humans could be written off as blind to the situation, Muriel had more than enough context clues to get a good idea of what was happening, "Even if she's too dim to notice." Michael thought to herself. Even if that were the case, it was enough to spin the truth she wanted - no, needed for her plan to work.

"Gabriel?" She knocked on the wall near his desk and he glanced up, "Aziraphale told Muriel about the deal." Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"He broke so soon huh? Well..." He shook his head and sighed, "Go ahead and carry out the punishment then." Gabriel grimaced.

Michael nodded, forcing a frown onto her face but she was buzzing inside. She turned away, passing by Uriel as she made her way to her desk, slipping the small pocket knife into her pocket before moving to grab the holy water.

Uriel felt their heart sink, having overheard the conversation between Gabriel and Michael, yet, they had just peeked into the bookshop and heard for themself that what Michael said wasn't the case. They knew they had to do something, they weren't fond of the pair, but they still had basic respect for them.

Crowley was standing outside their Bentley, smoking a cigarette, trying to straighten out their thoughts. It was late out and they were on a quiet street, the only light from the dim street lights above them.

"Crawley." A voice dripping with contempt spoke from behind them.

"Son of a bitch," They grumbled and turned to face Michael. "Aziraphale ain't with me if that's who you're looking for."

Michael snickered, her smirk growing wider, "I know, you can thank me for that. He was so eager to not have us harping on you both for communicating that he agreed to avoid you for 600 years without explaining to anyone that and at the end? We'd and hell would leave you both alone. But alas... All good things must end.."
Crowley's hands twitched into fists and he started to smoke. Actually smoke.

"It was entertaining while it lasted but I think this time I should actually finish you off like how it was supposed to end before. Then... Aziraphale's wings are next."

Crowley froze as Michael mentioned Aziraphale's wings and that's when she struck...

Uriel hurried into Aziraphale's bookshop, miracling the door open in a bit of a frenzy. They knew they had limited time. "Aziraphale!" They shouted and he hurried to the main area.

"Uriel? What are you doing here at such a late hour? I haven't-"
"I know, but Michael told Gabriel you did. I don't know how much longer they have but you have to act fast. You know where they'd be, find them."

Aziraphale froze, realizing how much danger Crowley would be in. Without another word, he ran out of the bookshop and towards where he hoped to god Crowley was.

When he arrived though, to his horror, Michael had already tipped the pitcher and a few of the droplets had hit Crowley, melting their skin. They let out a shriek and Michael laughed.

Crowley's skin sizzled and popped and started to ooze away like slime, a thick, sticky goop made of Crowley. Their skin melded with their eye and hair, muscles and bone. Michael slowly poured it over Crowley, not allowing them to escape and instead pushed them over, continuing to pour the holy water over them, burning and melting them.

Aziraphale's wings erupted from his back and he flew forward, using one of his wings to block the holy water and the other to pull Crowley close. They didn't stop shrieking in pain though, the effecting of the holy water continuing to melt them away, bit by bit. They almost felt bad for Ligur when they had done the same to him a while back but then they remembered he had tried to kill them, and any remorse washed away.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Aziraphale cried, tears brimming his eyes, "I DID WHAT YOU ASKED, I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE, I DIDN'T GO NEAR THEM SO WHY?!" Michael just laughed at Aziraphale's cries.

"Because it's entertaining. This just makes it even-"
"MICHAEL." Gabriel's voice boomed and she dropped the pitcher. Aziraphale dropped to his knees and tried to miracle Crowley back together. Gabriel sighed and helped him before turning his attention to Michael. "You are a liar and a rat." He hissed.

Aziraphale quickly helped up Crowley and the two ran, Crowley leaning on Aziraphale for support. He brought the pair all the way to the bookshop and after getting Crowley sat on his couch and making sure they weren't going to melt again, that they were intact, tears flooded his eyes. His guilt and regret washed over him and he crumpled to his knees in front of Crowley, his gaze cast to the floor.

"I'm so, so sorry... I thought it would be better, I thought... I thought it would be nothing, just... Just a small blip in our lives, in the time we've known each other I didn't... I didn't realize how hard it would be to function without you or the pain it would cause you... I thought that 600 years would be worth forever but... I can't go a day knowing I can't see you, that I can't have you by my side... I..." He hesitated for a moment, taking a shaky breath and looked up at Crowley, whose expression was unreadable, partially because he still had his sunglasses on.

"I need you Crowley... I was stupid for not realizing it sooner..."

Crowley didn't respond and Aziraphale looked back down at the floor, ready for the worst. They had no reason to forgive him. So he just sat there, waiting for them to snap, to kick him, hurt him, anything. He deserved it anyway.

"Angel..." Crowley's voice was soft. "I would've done the same," They murmured and gently grabbed Aziraphale's chin and pulled his head up to look at them, "Do I forgive you? No, that was hell, worse than actual hell, but I see why you did it."

Aziraphale felt a small spark of hope radiating through him, maybe, just maybe, things would be alright? But, his guilt still twisted in his gut.

"I understand, I don't deserve your forgiveness or any kindness or grace from you honestly..." He murmured and Crowley chuckled.

"You're asking me to be an asshole to you now?" They teased and Aziraphale rolled his eyes, a small smile gracing his face.

"I'm just saying I wouldn't blame you if you were one." Crowley thought about it for a second, tilting their head.

"Maybe, and maybe you do deserve it for making me a wreck but... I could never be an asshole to you." Aziraphale raised an eyebrow. "Genuinely be an asshole to you." Crowley corrected themself and Aziraphale couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"Now get your ass off the ground cause it looks like you're about to suck me off or some shit and I know your gray-ace ass doesn't want to do that." Crowley winked as Aziraphale's face turned red.

He quickly stood up, brushing himself off and dried his eyes, taking a moment to collect himself before sitting beside Crowley, who almost immediately pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tightly as they discarded their sunglasses, haphazardly tossing them across the room as tears welled in their eyes.

As much as they didn't want to admit it, they missed this and needed it. Swallowing their pride, Crowley sighed, "I need you too," They whispered softly, Aziraphale just barely hearing their words, but he caught them nonetheless and it made his heart swell with joy.

Aziraphale hugged Crowley back just as tightly. After a moment of adjusting, Aziraphale had pulled Crowley to lay on top of him and wrapped his wings around them, holding them close, it was the comfort they both needed and they would face whatever consequences tomorrow together. For now, the two fell asleep in each other's arms, finally being able to recover after so long.

It was peaceful and quiet, and since this whole ordeal had started, maybe even since the pair met, both felt happy.

Truly and utterly happy.

A Blip in Our Lives ~ Crowley x AziraphaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz