Old Friends

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Nina waited for Maggie to return in her coffee shop, making them both a drink to talk over. About an hour passed before Maggie got to the coffee shop.

"Sorry for making you wait, Aziraphale was in rough shape.." Maggie said, rubbing the back of her neck as she sat down

"Could say the same for Crowley. The second I mentioned him talking about his feelings he snapped and kicked me out."

The two sat there for a long moment, "So, what'd you find out from Aziraphale?" Nina finally broke the silence before taking a sip of her now cold coffee.

"Not much, he just said it was for Crowley's safety and that he couldn't tell me why for their safety as well. Whatever happened to cause this, he isn't happy about it,"

Nina nodded a bit, "All Crowley really said was that Aziraphale said was that they were hereditary enemies and couldn't be friends any longer."

"That lines up with what Aziraphale said, when I first asked, that's exactly what he told me." Maggie murmured, swirling her drink around in her cup.

"Someone else is definitely pulling some strings here." Nina finally spoke up and Maggie nodded.

"I don't see any other plausible explanation. I mean, they seem so close, why else would this happen?"

"Maybe we should try to find Anathema and Newt? I mean, they might know something we don't?" Nina offered with a shrug and Maggie hummed in agreement.

"That's probably our best shot, isn't it? Maybe also grab the kids that they worked with before too? With their parents' permission of course though." Maggie added and Nina thought for a moment.

"Sounds like a plan," Nina agreed. "Oh and maybe Shadwell and Madam Tracy."

With that, the two set off to Tadfield, trying to find the group that has helped the angel and demon stop Armageddon.

They eventually got to the cabin Anathema and Newt had been living in and Maggie knocked on the door and it didn't take long for Newt to answer the door.

"Maggie..?" He asked, a bit confused. They had met briefly through Aziraphale and Crowley but they weren't really 'friends' per se.

"Hey Newt.. Do you think me and Nina could come inside? We need to talk to you and Anathema.."
"It's about Aziraphale and Crowley." Nina added and Newt nodded, letting the two in and going to get Anathema while Nina and Maggie went to the living room.

After a few minutes Anathema and Newt walked in, sitting across from the two. "Maggie, Nina," Anathema greeted the two, "What's going on with the oblivious idiots now? One of them confessed and now they're too surprised and embarrassed to function?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm pretty sure that would be easier to deal with than what actually happened." Maggie sighed.

"What happened then?" Worry flickered onto Newt's face and Nina shook her head.

"They're not talking. Aziraphale won't give any direct explanation but he just randomly dropped Crowley saying they're 'hereditary enemies' and left it that and now both of them are emotional wrecks. Crowley's probably drank enough to kill a ox in the past two days and from what Maggie said Aziraphale's been crying his eyes out."
Maggie nodded, "He's also completely neglected his bookshop, the entire things covered in a layer of dust and there's dirty dishes scattered about." She added making Anathema and Newt look at each other with worry.

"Well why wouldn't Aziraphale go back to Crowley if both of them are in that bad of shape?" Newt asked.

Maggie sighed and shook her head, "He said it was to protect Crowley."

Anathema shook her head, "Someone else is definitely pulling strings here."
Nina nodded "That's what we were thinking, but we're not sure who it would be. Do you know of anyone who might want to split them apart?" They all quietly glanced at each other, silently thinking before Newt piped up.

"I mean, that angel guy from the failed Armageddon that happened didn't seem too happy with the two being together, maybe it has to do with him?" He offered and the others glanced at each other before slowly starting to nod.

"That could be it, yes.." Anathema nodded before standing up and starting to pace.

"Well, whatever they said or did to cause this, it can't be good, I mean, they've been friends longer than how long we all have been alive, tripled." Maggie added and the others gave murmurs of agreement.

"I mean, they're obviously gay for each other.'


"What? Am I really wrong, Newt?" She deadpanned and he sighed.

"I guess not, but still." Anathema rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Look, what I'm trying to get at is whatever happened, it can't be good. I mean, they both betrayed heaven and hell for each other and risked death for each other. I mean hell, they helped Adam face Satan for fucks sake."

Nina paused for a moment, "Speaking of Adam, do you think we could ask him and his friends for help? I mean, if they helped prevent Armageddon, surely they can help with our love sick and stupid angel and demon duo."

Maggie nodded, "Shadwell and Madame Tracy too if possible."

Newt glanced between the two. "Yeah, I'll see if I can get in touch with them, I'm sure Anathema wouldn't mind grabbing 'The Them' right?"

Anathema chuckled a bit and nodded before heading out of her house and Newt walked into another room to grab his phone and called the other two.

A Blip in Our Lives ~ Crowley x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now