The Serpent

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Crowley heaved a sigh as they cleaned up their apartment for the second time that week. It was only Wednesday as well. As they went around, picking things up and trying to get better organized so they wouldn't have to clean up again until Saturday if they were lucky, he stumbled upon a book he distantly recognized. It was someone Aziraphale had given them as a 'Friendship Anniversary' gift as he had called it.

They moved to toss it into the trash but something stopped them. They moved to sit down on their bed and hesitantly opened it. It was a photo journal/scrapbook Aziraphale had made of the multitude of photos he had always insisted on taking of the two of them, claiming he wanted to preserve the memory of what they had done as if they both didn't have near photographic memory. He had even painstakingly copied each and every painting they had done before photography, printed them small enough to fit into the scrapbook and added small clippings from newspapers from around that time that had particularly interested the two - or just Crowley at the time as well as other little pictures and things.

Crowley bit back tears as they flipped through the journal. They hadn't cared for it much when they were originally given it but now, he couldn't help but admire the effort Aziraphale had put into it.

They wanted to set it down, throw it out and not think about it anymore, but there was something about it that wouldn't let them do that. So they just sat there, crying as they reminisced on the many things the pair had done over the years.

Where had they gone wrong? What had they done that pushed Aziraphale so far to just... Leave them? Was it their fault?

Crowley's thoughts quickly started to spiral. They couldn't stop themselves from blaming themself as they saw just how much effort Aziraphale had put into them. Had they not put in enough effort? Was that it?

Was it all their fault...?

It was... Wasn't it? They couldn't help but think so. Crowley set the book aside and just sat there, staring at the wall as they cried. They had thought Aziraphale was so happy with them. Had they been mistaken?

Their thoughts spiraled. They grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

Then... There was a knock at the door. Crowley groaned as they slowly set the pillow to the side and moved to stand. They shuffled to the door and swung it open, "Yes?" They murmured, being greeted by Anathema.

"What are you doing here Anathema?" They asked, raising an eyebrow, "You haven't come here since Armageddon if I remember right."

Anathema chuckled and nodded, "Your memory does serve you correct there Crowley." She let herself into Crowley's apartment and plopped down onto the couch, "So what's new, what's going on, what's the drama?" She asked and leaned towards Crowley who scowled.

"I've been abandoned." They mumbled and rolled their eyes a little, "The last shred of heaven I had decided I wasn't good enough for 'em anymore," They griped and Anathema frowned slightly.

"Is that so?" She asked softly and Crowley rolled his eyes and nodded. "Why?" She asked rather bluntly and Crowley froze.

"Excussssse me?" Crowley hissed, glaring at Anathema despite their sunglasses hiding their eyes and therefore hiding their glare from her.

"Why'd he leave? Did he tell you?" She asked again, leaning closer to Crowley who grimaced. 

"I'm not in the mood to be interrogated." They snapped and Anathema chuckled.

"I'm not interrogating you Crowley, I'm simply asking a simple question." Anathema shrugged and Crowley glowered.

"I don't know what game you're playing at but I want no part in it." Crowley stepped towards Anathema and lifted their sunglasses, their sclera almost completely gone, "If you have no other reason to be here other than to ask you 'sSsSiMpLe QuEsTiOnSsS' then you can get the hell out of my home." Anathema paused in surprise at Crowley's aggression. She knew they were defensive, yes, but she didn't think they'd snap at her so quickly. But then again, Aziraphale had always been touchy for them.

"I didn't mean to strike a nerve.." Anathema sighed, sitting back against the couch.

"Of coursssse you didn't," They hissed, glaring at Anathema still, "Nobody triessss to ssstrike a nerve once they have."

Anathema couldn't hold back a small giggle at Crowley's snake like 's's. Crowley scowled at the noise that emanated from Anathema.

"What'sss ssso funny?" They hissed and Anathema laughed more.

"What is up with your 's'ssss?" She teased with a soft laugh and Crowley rolled their eyes.

"Oh ssshut up," They grouched, causing Anathema to laugh more.

"I hate you." They grimaced and Anathema rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah? Then why haven't you kicked me out yet?"

"Do you want me to? Becaussse I will gladly do sssso." They threatened and Anathema held their hands up in mock-defeat.

"Y'know you have a lot of nerve coming into my home and asssking persssonal quessssstionssss on a sssituation you know nothing about!" Crowley suddenly snapped, seeming to remember their previous anger, making Anathema jump a little.

"How am I supposed to understand the situation if you won't tell me anything?" Anathema tried to defend herself and Crowley scoffed.

"Don't act like you didn't talk to Nina about thissss already. You wouldn't have wanted to come sssssee me otherwissse. Don't act like you care about me outssside of people asssking you to care." They grimaced, pointing an accusing finger at Anathema, who sat there in shock for a long moment.

"Excuse me?" She asked after a long silence. "You don't get to put words in my mouth or project your insecurities onto me!" She shouted, standing up and moving towards Crowley. "If you can't see that I genuinely care, then that's your problem, not mine."

"Oh and you're sssso 'high and mighty' huh? You're no better than that damned angel." Crowley growled, getting into Anathema's personal space. "Get out of my home."

Anathema didn't budge, glaring up at Crowley.

"I sssaid I want you OUT!" Crowley yelled and brought the back of their hand to meet the side of Anathema's face.

The two froze in shock as they both processed what just happened.

"Fuck I- I'm sssorry.." Crowley hurried to apologize but Anathema just cut them off.

"You're beyond my help." She grimaced before leaving Crowley's apartment, slamming the door shut and leaving them in silence.

Crowley stared down at their hands wide eyed for a long, long moment, tears flooding their eyes.

"I really am a demon.." They murmured quietly as they slowly lowered themself onto their couch, pulling their knees to their chest and rocking slightly, the tears pouring from their eyes.

"I really am a demon.."

A Blip in Our Lives ~ Crowley x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now