Chapter 4- care

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"Mom !!!,what happened ??"Cassy ask in shock as she stares at the patched wound on her forehead.

"Marga,are you okay ??"
" Yes,am okay but my neck still hurts.

Marga laid her head quietly at the sofa helplessly and close her eyes.
She was really tired,for it has been a long day.

Cassy press the on button of the television and put the news channel to know what is going on there.

"Today at 10:00pm,there was an explosion at the fuel station,some sustain minor injury while some had a skin burn all over there body"the news reporter said and show the scene that happened.

Cassy immediately turn off the television as she was tired of hearing more of the news.

"Mom,come on" Cassy said as she held her mom firmly and directs her to her room.

"Thanks Cassy ,l really appreciate"Stella said but Cassy immediately shut her mouth with her hand.

"You shouldn't thank me for what I have done, it's my duty to take care of you"Cassy said as she smiled and pat her mom by her shoulder so that she can sleep.

"Finally,she is now asleep"

Cassy covered her with the blanket to avoid her from feeling cold at night.

She turn off the lights and gave her mom a goodnight kiss at her cheeks and finds her way out through the door.

Marga was already deep asleep and didn't eat the food on the table which was prepared by Cassy.

Cassy went to the kitchen and kept things in order and arrange the utensils before heading to her bedroom

She look at the mirror and saw how her face looks pale,

" It must have been stress" she murmured to herself and laid on her bed and then slept off.

**Next morning**

Cassy woke up very early in the morning and prepared breakfast , everything was already set on the table.

"Food is ready!!"
"Everyone you should all come down stairs,am done preparing breakfast"Cassy exclaimed as she set the dinning table,

And went upstairs to support her mom to come downstairs from the stairs to avoid the worse from happening to her in this condition.

**Romina pov**

"My sweet mommy, going morning" Adrian greeted romina as he pegs her on cheeks.

"Morning son and hoe was your night"
"Well,it was great,but what about you??"
"And l should be the one asking you that question, how do you feel now ??"

"You are so caring adrian,am fine but feeling a little bit dizzy"

"And l don't think am gonna go to work today"Romina scratches her finger at his hair and puts a smile at her face.

"Adrian can l ask you something"

"Yes of course mom,you shouldn't take permission in asking me anything"

"Ok,if you say so"
"I was about to ask you if you have have finally gotten a girlfriend that you will like to be with??"

"Mom !!! Adrian chuckled feeling so shy.

"Well,l haven't find a befitting girl that has all the characters that l need"

"The girl that l have meet are only after my money,which l don't like at all even a little bit"

"I usually settle them and tell them not to come looking for me or even call on phone,
"Because l have already given them what they came looking for".

Romina look at her dear son in surprise and always trust him no matter what,
Because he is always straight forward and plain in his decision,
And doesn't take part in unsinful acts ,
Such as sleeping with women and squandering money in bar parlor just like his father did.

"I trust you son with your decision,you always make me proud"romina said as she laid her hand in his shoulder and touches him still she was holding his hands.

She holds his hand firmly making him to know that she has full trust in whatever he is doing,
And in the decisions he makes and won't let him down for as she is concerned and still breathing.

"I will always give you my full support"she added to my her statement.

Romina and adrian heard a sound from upstairs.
They looked up in shocked and was surprised to see that it was Rodrigo .

The both if pretended like non of them saw him and departed to continue there supposed duty.
Romina went straight to the kitchen and was so surprised that nothing was yet prepared,
She look at the time and saw that it was 8:00am knowing full well that Stella should be here at least by 7:30am.

'Ding Ding Ding'
'Ding Ding Ding'

The telephone rang continuously before romina was relief from her shock and hurry to pick the telephone.

"Hello, hello...... is someone there??"a voice spoke through the telephone.

Romina was still in shock as she has never heard such voice before thinking that it was a scammer but her heart stop beating when she found noticed that her voice was Polite.

"Can l know who am speaking with please ??"Romina asked awkwardly in shaking tune.

"Good morning ma, there's no need to know who you are speaking with"

"Why ??"

"Well,l just want to inform you that my mom won't be coming to the mansion today and tomorrow which is for two days because she is currently u der treatment "she paused a bit after the explanation.

"Are you talking about Stella my worker ??"

"Yes ma, l'm so sorry for the inconvenience and also sorry for disturbing you,
"Thanks for understanding,l really appreciate that".

Cassy cut off the phone call.

Romina look at the phone in a surprise way as adrian approach towards her putting a smile in her face because her looks were funny.

"What is it mom ??"
"Why the looks at your face mom ??"Adrian stares at her waiting for a reply.

"Well, l just a phone call and the person says, her mom won't be coming today because she is under treatment "

"You mean, Stella ?? Because she hasn't come yet"

"Yeah adrian, it's Stella"
" Oh my, is that so and it must have been really bad"
"Yeah "
"But l watch a news last night,which says that was an explosion ...................


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