Chapter 15

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"Well, you got to figure this stuff out, Emery. You're just getting your feet wet with romance, it's going to be a big mess at first as you navigate your way through it trying to find out what you like. But you can't keep flip-flopping around and using people, it never ends well. Take it from me. It's better to be lonely and single than stuck in a relationship you hate," Mom says.

I sigh and stare up at the ceiling.

I called her first thing the next morning, before classes. She's getting ready for work, and I should be getting ready too if I want to eat breakfast before class.

"I broke up with her," I admit.

"Well that's a start but you have to make it clear to her and to yourself that this isn't going to work out. Ask yourself why it won't work. What it is you are looking for in someone."

"Okay," I pout.

"Just take your time. Don't let her pressure you into getting back together if that's not what you want. Remember I'm only a phone call away."

"What was it like when you first met Dad?" I ask.

She's silent for a moment.

"That bad?" I ask.

"Actually, the opposite. You'd never be able to tell now, but your father and I used to be madly in love. Over the years that love faded away until both of us were bitter. Falling out of love with someone is a painful experience that I'd never wish on you or your brother. That's why I tell you, be sure before you fully commit. You don't want to end up like me."

"Alone with two amazing kids?"

"Yeah amazing," she says sarcastically.

I giggle.

"Just give it some deep thought, take your time. Call me for more advice as the situation develops. You don't have to be a stranger you know."

"I know," I turn over in bed. "I've just been swamped lately."

"I know, well I don't want to hold you up. Get to class missy, I'll call you later."

"Bye Mom," I say before hanging up.

I sigh and stare at the wall for a bit.

I really don't want to do anything today.

But no one figured out how to save their mentor, master their powers, and destroy their adversaries by staying in bed all day.

I get up and grab my uniform.

Instead of wearing the usual skirt I put on black pants. I button up my black collared shirt and roll the sleeves up to my elbows. Then I put on a black tie with the purple emblem on it. I let it hang loose and leave the top button undone.

I fix my fiery orange hair and let it drape over my shoulders. It's finally grown long enough to do that again. Still has a ways to go though before it's back to its once long and luscious length.

I grab the black eyeliner and eye it. Usually, I'm one for very minimal makeup but I'm feeling bold today. So I take the black pen and put it on my pale skin. I finish off the look by wearing the black boots my mom got me for Christmas.

I am sure to leave my shirt untucked today.

I teleport to the cafeteria and grab my breakfast before sitting in the usual spot.

"Whoa," Dariyah says when she eyes me.

"What?" I snap at her.

"You actually look decent today," Nerissa supplies.

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