Chapter 9

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I have a theory. After not caring that I stood her up, then not caring that I have been fantasizing about some guy, one who I admitted to actively looking for, and not being that mad I kissed her sister, I think Vega is purposely not getting mad at me. My theory is that she's pushing her true emotions down to stay in my good graces.

Which irks me.

I mean, I get it if she would be mad. Hell, any normal person would be mad and probably break up with me on the spot. Yet, she pretends everything is perfectly fine and normal between us. When I know she can't be happy. I know she has to be mad, even if it's just a little mad.

So, I have a way to test my theory.

I am purposely going to try and set her off.

Is it a bad idea?


But if my theory is correct, then she won't even get that mad. But if she does get really mad, then I'll at least feel better in knowing she's not just forgiving me no matter what.

"We should go on a lunch date today," Vega says as we get ready for school this morning.

"Can't," I say offhandly.

Vega forgive me, but it's for your own good.

"Why?" she says in annoyance.

"I promised Joni we could hang out."

She's silent.

I turn to her, waiting for the reaction.

"Oh... well okay," She says.

I knew it!

No way she'd be okay with that.

"Well, maybe we can get dinner together," She says.

"Can't," I push.

"Why?" she says with obvious irritation in her voice.

"I'm going to see your mom today. Dr. Ross and I worked out our differences."


"What?" I shrug.

"Emery you can't—"

I eye her expectantly.

"Fine, whatever. Just be careful," She catches herself.

I narrow my eyes at her.

"Then after that, I'm going to ask Lorelei to help me find that guy from my vision," I add.

I see her clench her jaw and turn away from me.

"Fine. Just keep me updated."

"I knew it!" I declare.

"What?" she turns to me.

"You!" I grab her by the shoulders. "Why!?" I shake her.

"What?" she says in alarm.

"Why are you purposely not getting mad at me!?"

"You want me to get mad?"


She is completely confused now.

"I'm not hanging out with Joni, or seeing Dr. Ross, or looking for some rando guy. I was trying to make you mad."

"Wait, so you're mad that I'm not mad?"


"You lost me," she frowns.

"Vega, why are you just letting me get away with anything? Why aren't you letting yourself get mad? Get mad! You have every right to yell at me."

"But I don't want to yell at you."

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