Chapter 11

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"What the hell was that?" Dariyah asks.

"Everyone okay?" Vega looks around.

What was that other me trying to tell me?

I close my eyes and try to figure out what name she was writing but it's no use. Her letters were backward, and I didn't see the first few.


I jolt back to reality and look up at everyone.

"What was that?" Vega demands.

Aster helps me up and I dust myself off.

They all look at me expectantly.

"Well, that was a thing. I don't know," I shrug.

"Does this happen often?" Darko asks.

"I wouldn't say often."

"But it has happened before?"

I shrug.

"Why didn't you tell us this was happening to you?" Vega asks.

"Err, it's not really a big deal."

"That's not a big deal to you!?" Dariyah says in disbelief.

"Don't tell anyone." I plead.

"Why?" Nerissa asks.

"It's like... for me only. Myself keeps trying to tell me something. I don't know who to trust," I admit.

"Okay, okay, okay, rewind. Yourself? What do you mean?" Dariyah asks.

"Think of it like telephone, through realities and time. Or at least that's what I've gotten out of that. It's happened a few times. Every time is see myself and she looks super freaked out and like she's trying to tell me something. I tried to tell Cyrene once, but... that didn't go so well. Then the last time it happened I got super sick and almost died and got Cyrene sick too. So, I've decided this is for me only. Other people only get hurt when they try to help."

"Wait you saw something like this that time you almost died and got that rare illness?" Vega asks.

I nod.

"You should have told us! Or at least me!" she says.

"It's hard to explain! How can I explain that!?" I gesture to the air.

"She has a point. I wouldn't even know where to start," Gunner says.

"How long has this been going on?" Aster asks.

"Since the beginning, since I got my powers," I admit.

"And you haven't told anyone?"

"I tried! I told the council, but they didn't do anything. I told Asherah and Cyrene and they didn't help either. I told Vega once, but that led nowhere. So yeah, I give up on trying to tell people. I'm just going to figure it out myself."

They are all silent.

"None of you understand okay, if I think about it too long I feel like I'm losing my mind. Sometimes it's super intense like you just saw, and sometimes it's very subtle, sometimes I can't even tell I'm having an episode until I think something happened that no one else agrees happened. So yeah, am I crazy? Who knows, all I know is that stupid little light blob shows up and shows me crazy stuff and it usually ends in disaster."

"Emery this is... serious," Nerissa says.

"Nah duh! Tell me something I don't know. But like I said, it's for me only. So just, don't tell anyone this happened, and let me handle it."

Casters Book Three: Cosmic CasterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz