Chapter 23 - Lightning Katana Style!

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[Chapter Size: 1592 Words.]
Lucius POV
Headquarters of the Takemikazuchi Family.



"If I were in a fanfic, people would be asking me why I should be satisfied with a character like Mikoto training me? She's a level one adventurer, after all." I thought to myself as I observed the woman in front of me.

Despite the stats boosting her strength and speed by leaps and bounds of adventurers, they won't give her automatic fighting techniques. You might be a level 2 who's only used to killing monsters by swinging an axe and end up losing to a level 1 swordmaster, even with a slight advantage in stats. The Sword Princess is not known for just reaching level 6 (that happened a few days ago); she's known for being highly skilled in her sword style, as her nickname suggests.

Mikoto began teaching me as soon as I put on a kimono, another odd condition of hers.

There was no secret; it was grab the bamboo and start cutting through the air rhythmically.

"Lucius, improve your posture!" She shouted at me. I'm facing a big problem here; I fought for years without a fencing style, my muscle memory is concentrated on how I'm used to fighting, making it even more challenging to relearn and fight again, so I'm constantly reprimanded by Mikoto.

"Yes, Mikoto-Sempai!" I said, trying to focus.

"HEEE, HEEE, HEEE!" I heard the little voice of my small goblin.

"Are you laughing at me, little devil?" I wondered frustrated; it's the first time he sees me so submissive and in such an embarrassing situation; besides, this little devil was comfortable in Takemikazuchi's lap, watching us in the courtyard.

After spending the whole morning trying to maintain a new posture, by the afternoon, I started practicing sword strikes with my teacher.

"Keep your breathing controlled, Lucius!" Mikoto warned me on the side. It was very hard for me, but I wouldn't give up. With each sword strike, I tried to synchronize my breathing, even though I'm still quite lost.

I kept at it, performing various movements that Mikoto showed me until mid-afternoon, where we were going to start a little spar, or it was supposed to be. Because I took a beating with that bamboo.

I left Takemikazuchi's mansion limping on that day; my eyes were purple, and I cursed for not bringing healing potions with me.

We ended up agreeing on my training like this: Mikoto would teach me every morning, and I would go to the dungeon in the afternoon and evening to train my new style alone. I also exchanged my sword for a katana because Hestia's shops didn't have that type of weapon, not accessible for a poor man like me at the moment. However, there were blacksmiths in this eastern district, so I picked one up at a weapon shop.

I arrived at the church and started listening to sermons that Hestia was giving Bell for going out with Aiz for training. I didn't pay much attention and went to wait for some men to bring the three beds I ordered in the morning.

With the beds finally installed, I went to greet my family, finally.

"Hey! I heard you fought with Aiz!" Bell finally said; he was holding back while the beds were being installed.

"Well, that woman attacked Riekling; I didn't hold back with her when I got angry." I said.

"She talked about it; she seemed to regret it..." Bell tried to justify her, and I just nodded. Hestia stayed silent while listening.

"Well, if Riekling weren't a summon, he'd be dead! That crazy girl attacked him, even with a tamed monster record!" I protested.

It was a complicated situation; on one side, Bell had the person he admired the most; on the other, there was the goblin he met that same day, even though it was a summon.

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