Chapter 12 - Overconfident fools

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[Chapter Size: 2268 Words.]

Lucius POV

Abandoned Church.


The next morning, the Hestia family, who would wake up in a typical manner like any other day, found an unusual situation. A disgruntled scream echoed throughout the old church, awakening a goddess and a young man on the sofa, startling them with the repetitive cry.
"EHHH?!!" Shouted an outraged voice this morning.
"Mr. Lucius?"
Two more voices were heard in a questioning and frightened manner.
"WHO GAVE ME THESE NICKNAMES??!!" The first voice spoke again angrily.
"Nicknames, Mr. Lucius? You're still a level 01 adventurer to have a nickname..." Said a confused childlike voice.
"It's not that, Bell, how can I explain this... AHHHH! Forget what I said..." The once indignant voice now sounded melancholic.
"Why do I only have strange nicknames? Where are my incredible, majestic nicknames and sweet melodies to the ears?" He said quietly while holding back tears.
Hestia and Bell, unknowingly ignoring the slight depression in a corner of the church, went to prepare the first meal of the day. Even as the day began to seem normal, while three people ate eggs with coffee and bread, there was someone grumbling irritably at the table. Bell and Hestia looked puzzled at the man who fluctuated between cursing and lamenting all the time.
"I'll kill the damn person who did this!" Lucius was still indignant at the screen in front of him, unable even to eat his breakfast, cursing most of the time.

• Nicknames: Loser/Useless Family Trash/Dungeon Beggar/Milf Slayer(New)/Bastard Exploiting Beautiful and Innocent Goddesses(New)/ Playboy (New) Family Hephaestus's Enemy (New)

Seeing the three new nicknames, he couldn't help but think, 'Milf Slayer or Milf Killer.' Wasn't this nickname something I thought of yesterday when I declared it myself? Can I give myself my own nicknames, or did someone call me that without me noticing? I can try...'
"I am the coolest man in this town!" I shouted, startling my companions once again as I looked up and raised my hand in a pose, then looked at the system, ignoring my companions.
"No change... I guess that's not how it works..." I muttered.
"Lucius, are you okay?" I heard someone ask.
"I am, I'm fine..." I said, unaware of the strange looks my companions were giving me at the moment.
"Bastard Exploiting Beautiful and Innocent Goddesses and Playboy?!" I said angrily.
"This must have been the work of some jealous fool who saw my flirtations with Demeter yesterday, although that hotel clerk looked at me strangely... I'll blow up that place! That's it!" I said, slapping my hand as if I had just solved a great puzzle.
"We also have the nickname Family Hephaestus's Enemy..." I grumbled.
"What? Enemy of Family Hephaestus? Since when?" I heard a female voice shout indignantly, but I ignored it.
"I found this one hilarious; it must be that bastard 'half-man'! He must have spread it to other blacksmiths, and now they call me that. Next time, I'll blast that creature with firebolts!" I said, convinced.
I ignored my current family. Hestia had her mouth open, and her ghostly image was escaping from her open mouth; Bell had lifeless eyes. I was so indignant that I didn't look at them and quickly ate my breakfast, leaving the church and heading to the guild while my family didn't move an inch.
"Hmmm... My goddess, maybe Mr. Lucas wasn't joking about exploiting goddesses or being an enemy of Hephaestus's family, huh..." Bell said, still with a lifeless and scared expression.
Hestia trembled when she heard that.
"I hope not, Bell. I wouldn't want to become an enemy of Hephaestus, not when I owe her so much money..."
"How much do you owe?" Bell was startled.
"Almost nothing, hehe. I only owe a few valis! Hehe" Hestia nervously laughed, not wanting to admit that she owed 200 million valis to her friend Hephaestus.
Without any idea of the conversation in my family at the church, I went straight to the guild with the intention of selling my magic stones, which improved my mood a bit with the idea of ​​earning some money.
Entering the place, I went straight to the counter of my favorite fox.
Rose attended to me as she always did. We chatted a bit, and then I collected ten thousand valis, planning to have some fun to relieve my stress tonight while having fun with my family, and deposited a portion into my guild account.

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