truth or dare - smut

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* talks of sex/ smutty topics


My boyfriend Austin is coming over tonight for some games and dinner. Well dinner first cuz i'm starving.

I wore shorts and a cropped tank because it was just meant to be chill and he told me he was just wearing gray sweats and a flannel....its going to be a good night.

We ate our food and talked shit about other celebs and other celebrity couples until we decided to play truth or dare but couple edition.

We sat on my couch and I read the questions from my phone. I said "okay so let's start light, truth or dare, who was your first celebrity crush?" He said "Megan Fox for sure." I laughed and I said "I love her, I see that." He said "who was yours?" I said "definitely Rob Lowe."

He laughed and said "oh yeah you watch his movies all the time." I laughed embarrassed and said "okay moving on... Where was your first kiss?" He said "movie theatre." I said "mine was in the city back when I lived in New York, I was at a penthouse party." He said "ohh fancy like usual." I smiled and said "okay next one, when was your first time you got a handjob/ received one/ first time giving/ receiving oral/ and sex?"

He said "well, the first time I fingered someone was when I was 16, I received and gave head at 17, and I lost my virginity at 18." I said "I got fingered when I was 18, and I gave and received head when I was 17, my first time was with you when I was 20." He said "I'm glad." I kissed his nose and I said "okay next one, morning or night sex?"

He said "night, because then I sleep like a baby." I said "me too." I said "okay how often do you masturbate?" He blushed and said "when we aren't together or when you're on your period." I giggled and I said "I don't want to answer this." He said "well you are so answer." I said "well, when I'm not with you or not even when you leave so either so maybe like two or three times a week." He said "freak." I laughed and said "anyways...what do you fantasize about when you do jerk off?"

He said "hmm I guess you naked, or I just look at pictures of you." I blushed and said "babe what pictures." He showed me some nudes I had sent him a while ago, maybe like a month or two." I said "ew oh my gosh I can't even look."

He laughed and he said "so what do you think about." I said "uh I guess...I don't want to tell you." He said "if you don't I'm gonna tickle the shit out of you." I said "ok ok, I guess um I think about the times we did stuff together and I think of you naked too." He jokingly said "ewwww."

I hit him softly and I said "moving about you ask." He said "okay." He took my phone and said "okay next one, do you like public sex?" I said "yes, as long as no one is really seeing too much." He said "yeah me too, and I love to hear you moaning my name and everyone knows your mine." I laughed and I said "baby stop."

He laughed and said "okay next one, what's the hottest memory of us?" I said "when we had sex at the Elvis premier in the bathroom, it was so fun too." He said "that was fun but also too that time we went to the drive in and we had sex the entire movie." I said "oh yeah that was romantic." I kissed him and he blushed.

He said "How did you first discover masturbation?" I said "uh well I was about 14 and I was using the shower handle thingy to get soap off my body and as I was getting the soap out from between my legs, I let the water sit there and it started to feel good and then yeah.." He said "hm i have to watch you do that one time." I said "ok we'll see about that, answer." He said "well I looked up porn for the first time and all of a sudden I felt myself getting hard and I just started touching myself and I realized how to jerk off and I was probably 13." I said "what did you look up?" He said "probably like girl giving head or something basic like that." I said "damnnnn."

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