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Austin is coming over today for some lunch but I have a lot of other things on my mind. I got into a disagreement with my friend so i feel like a lot of other things are on my mind.

He came over and we had some lunch and were sitting on my couch and he was talking about some new role he was in but all I could think about was the fight I got into with my best friend Beth.

He said "and then I-Y/N are you even listening to me." I zoned back into reality and I said "yes baby, I'm sorry I had the worst day yesterday ." He said "what happened?" I said "me and Beth got into a fight." He said "what happened baby?"

I said "I was supposed to go to the club with her last night but I couldn't because I had so much college shit to do and she's already finished all her tests for the semester, why does she always feel like our hang out schedule should always revolve around HER it just pisses me off, and she got mad I stayed home to study for my last test of the semester which I took this morning."

He said "aw baby I'm sorry, you had to study though, if you're reasoning wasn't enough than that's too bad, don't explain yourself when you don't have to."

I said "true, I don't know why it still feels awkward. She said she was sorry but I'm still kinda annoyed with her." He said "so talk to her and tell her how you feel but gently and don't make her feel attacked like you do to me..." I slapped his arm playfully and smiled embarrassed because sometimes my anger gets the best of me.

He said "and if she wants to be salty about it so what? it's senior year, you have better things ahead of you, and you have me."

I smiled and I said "yes baby I do have you." He kissed my nose and said "cheer up baby, that's your best friend be nice."

I said "ok ok I will and I'm sorry for zoning out." He said "it's okay , can I rant to you?" I said "of i'm course you can honey."

He held my hand and said "well, you know how your ex is Jacob Elordi?" I said "um yes I think I recall." We giggled and he said "well he's playing Elvis in that new Priscilla movie and people keep comparing me to him and it's pissing me off."

I said "babe you are a 10X better Elvis than anyone will ever be, you put your all into that role and it shows, you're a much better actor to me." He laughed and said "thank you Y/N, and also too I feel like I compare myself to him a lot, am I a better boyfriend?" He asked it so sweet and sincerely . He genuinely questioned if he is a better boyfriend to me than Jacob was to me, he's so cute.

I said "Aus, of course you're a better boyfriend? Where do I start...I mean your personality is 10x better and I love your sense of humor and how sweet you are to me, you treat me like a princess and you LOVE me and I LOVE you a lot Austin. Plus our sex is 10X better, you're the first guy to make me finish remember."

He smirked and kissed my nose. He said "I'm glad baby." I said "of course honey." He said "I think we should talk about our feelings more, it's good for us."

I said "yes it is I agree and if we want to get married we better get used to this no secrets or holding back." He said "I promise."

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