parenting troubles

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Austin and I have a two year old daughter named Mia. She is the apple of our eye but sometimes she can be a rotten apple. She will cry and throw a tantrum anywhere.... Today was one of those days.

Austin and I decided to take Mia to church and she was fine for about 20 minutes until she got restless and wanted to go home. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong so I assumed she just wanted to leave Church which wasn't happening. I said "you can wait 15 more minutes."

She started crying and yelling at me so I grabbed her by the wrist and walked outside the church with her. I said "if you throw a fit like that in the church again, you're not getting any kind of iPad or Computer again for a long time." She kicked my shins and kept crying. I held her down until she stopped and she said "mommy i'm sick." I said "you're fine you just don't want to be in church."

She said "no mommy I really am." I said "I don't believe you, pull yourself together and we're going back in."

After mass Mia was very quiet. We went straight home after and I started cooking dinner. The whole situation really pissed Austin and I off and we don't want a bratty kid.

Mia came down with Austin to eat dinner and she told me she didn't want to go to dance class because she was sick but once again an excuse she uses to not go somewhere.

I said "eat your food Mia or else I'm going to act on what I told you earlier." She finished her food and while I cleaned up the kitchen Austin got her ready for dance.

The drive over she was fine and we were talking like nothing happened. Maybe it's just the terrible two phase I'm not sure.

I spoke too soon because when we got to dance she started whining again how she didn't feel well but I made her go inside. I decided I was going to wait the whole hour in the parking lot while I ranted to my mom how much of a brat Mia has been when she hears the word no.

But a half hour later Mia was walking back to the car with her bag and her teacher. But she had on a different pair of clothes. What?

They got to the car and I got out. I said "what happened?" Her teacher said "Mia said she wasn't feeling well today and she had a little accident and threw up." I said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry, thank you for brining her out." She said "it's not a problem, feel better Mia."

Mia said bye and waved and when I tried to pick her up to put her in the car she smacked my arm away. I said "don't hit me." I helped her in the car seat and I got in my passenger seat.

I said "Mia." She didn't answer me. I said "Mia I'm sorry I didn't believe you, sometimes you just don't want to go to dance and I thought it was one of those times."

She didn't say anything.

We got home and Austin was on the couch reading a script. He said "my babies are back early, why is Mia in a different outfit than I put her in?"

Mia walked passed us and I heard her run up the stairs which freaked me out because I always like to be there when she goes up the stairs.

I threw her bag on the floor and sat next to Austin on the couch. I started crying I'm not sure why. He said "what's the matter baby?" I said "I didn't believe she was sick and she actually was and she threw up at dance."

He said "aw honey it's okay don't beat yourself up about it because she always pulls our leg and isn't actually sick she just doesn't feel like going. We have to talk to her."

I nodded my head in agreement and he wiped my tears. I said "I don't want her to hate me like I hate my dad. I don't want to be mean to her, I don't want to be the one always reprimanding her, you have to too."

He said "I know babe I'm sorry I know I should more but I don't like to tell her no." I said "if we never tell her no she's going to be even more of a brat than she is now and that's the last thing we want."

He said "I know, I will work on it." I said "I'm gonna clean her up and get her ready for bed and say i'm sorry for like the 100th time."

I went upstairs and into Mia's room where she was playing with her toys.

I said "hi baby can I talk to you for a second." She put her toys down and I said "I'm sorry I didn't believe you." She came over and sat in my lap facing me. She put her head on my chest and I played with her hair as she played with mine. She said "sorry I lied to you before." I said "it's okay, don't do it again though, don't be slick like mommy."

She laughed and I looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead. I said "does your tummy feel any better?" She said "a little it still hurts." She stopped playing with my hair and she sat back and burped. I said "are you okay?" She didn't answer me and instead threw up on me.

I said "oh my gosh holy shit." Fuck why did I curse. She said "shit." I said "don't say that it's not nice." She said "you said it." I said "I'm also 27 years old." She laughed and said "sorry mommy." I said "it's okay, i'm going to go change and brush your teeth and get you into pajamas."

I changed into comfier clothes and put my other clothes in the wash. I brushed her teeth and gave her a bath and got her into pajamas.

I read her a small book before bed and she fell asleep I turned her night light on and her lights off.

Austin kissed her goodnight and we laid in bed together and he said "I might be crazy but I think I want another kid." I said "good because I'm pregnant."

He sat up so quickly and he said "no way." I smiled and sat up and said "yes." He hugged me and said "wow I'm so excited." I pulled away and I said "me too, I hope it's a boy this time though." He said "why?"

I said "because they're less dramatic...."

Austin Butler One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora