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Yn- Well... Well... Well, you are the mother of my ex lover and because you gave birth to HIM , I am going to k!ll you but wait there's a lot of things I would like to do before k.lling you and one of that is cutting down your tounge.
*She said and went towards her direction*

Mrs. Kim - Please don't do this to me . *She said with tears in her eyes but her throat went dry after seeing yn walk towards her direction with the knife in her hands.*

Yn - Baby boy , how many pieces should I do of her tounge? *She asked in a flirty tone from Jungkook *

Jk- Yn listen to me , let's not hurt them. They are really old to suffer like this.

Yn- Baby boy you are really really kind which I NEVER expected from you but as I can see you being kind towards these old waste then let me show you something. *She said and then pulled out her mobile from her pocket and start going through her gallery . She plays the first vedio. It was the video recording of the time when moon killed herself . Everyone was shocked after seeing that. Jungkook 's blood boil after he show how Mrs. Kim was behaviour with his mother and how everyone acted other than her stepfather and middle brother Rm, as they left after taking her body from there to do a proper funeral.*

Jungkook - Yn free me.*he growled*

Yn- Just wait for a second baby boy and enjoy the show. *She said and walked towards her ex mother in law and then hold her face in her hand.*

Yn- you know what you speak too much and that's not a good thing for an old person to do so today I will take that ability from you. *She said and then pointed her knife towards Mrs. Kim's direction.*

Tae- Yn she k!lled herself so you don't need to do all this and act like you care about her.*he said more like shouting*

Jk- turn your tone down Taehyung or I will make sure that you close your tongue with every other body part. *He warned him angrily*

Tae - oh really so today you will teach me how to speak, huh? I am the real owner of whatever you own I will take it from you at any cost.

Jk- we will see.*he said and then smriked*

Jk- Continue the show sweetheart . * He said to yn and then winked towards taehyung. Taehyung moved vigorously on his seat after seeing jungkook wink at him.*

Tae - you are forgetting your line jk . I will destroy you in seconds .*he shouted*

Jk- Sweetheart he speaks too much, would you mind giving me a try in making him mute?*he asked from yn who was actually enjoying this all *

Yn- I would love to but right now I want to do it myself so enjoy the show.*she said and then putted her whole concentration on Mrs. Kim *

Yn- If I hear any one from you all speaking other than this old witch's painful screams then she will suffer more brutally.*she warned everyone and then looked at Mrs. Kim*

Yn- Get your tongue out.*she ordered but Mrs. Kim just moved her head left to right as a no. Yn hold her hairs harshly and pulled them making her to scream a little. Yn putted her knife on mrs. Kim's neck and then repeated her words*

Yn- GET YOUR TOUNGE OUT .*she ordered while putting force on the knife making mrs. Kim's soft skin to bleed out a Little. Mrs. Kim groaned but stick out her tounge as yn ordered. Yn smiled and left her hairs and went back towards the tools. She picked up a screwdriver which was small in size and sharp from the front. She went back towards her and then hold the screwdriver tightly.*

Yn- If you stay still, it wouldn't hurt much but if you don't then i will use a bigger one and that would definitely k!ll you instantly.*she said and then points the screwdriver over her tongue.*

Jin- Yn please don't do this to aunty.*he begged feeling really nervous after seeing her act like a psycho while she laughed and then the whole room was full of mrs. Kim's screaming. Yn's face was covered in blood lightly while she was smriking.*

Yn - Wrong move dear. *She said to jin who wasn't even able to open his eyes after what she did*

Yn- How does it feels Mrs. Kim? Does it pain that much?*she asked while moving the knife which was in her chest right now. Mrs. Kim was bleeding heavily but luckily yn didn't push the knife deep in her body and just teared the upper layer as punishment*

Mrs. Kim- Pl-eas-e. *She begged while crying and groaning in pain*

Yn - Get your tounge out now or this time I will shoot you down on the tounge with my AK 47 and i am sure that you are aware of the affect it will cause, so let's do it in the easy way. *Mrs. Kim did as she was told in just seconds, her tounge was useless. Yn hitted her tounge with the screwdriver making her to scream at her highest. Yn just laughed at the reaction and then opened mrs.kim's ropes.*

Yn- let me give you a little prize.*she said and walked towards her table, she picked up some blades and then went back towards Mrs. Kim.*

Yn- Cut yourself.*she said sweetly*
Or i will cut you down into pieces infront of your useless sons and if i hear any word then you will suffer more brutally.*she said and then hold the screwdriver tightly which was stuck in Mrs. Kim's tounge and pulled it out. There was a freaking hole in mrs.kim's tounge now and it was bleeding heavily. Taehyung was crying silently while jin was also not sure about what he should do. Jungkook was caught off guard but still he wasn't saying anything so that yn does not make it harder for Mrs. Kim while someone was enjoying it like a show with a small grin on their face.*

To be continued
1.1k+ words
Bro I am sorry for late updates
My tution makes me feel really tired and nowdays my health is playing with me 🥲 biroooooo
Dukh hi dukh
Atleast 3 parts per week daluga me
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