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"Are you feeling cold Ma'am?" Sohail asked noticing her pulling her dupatta closer to herself, and he needed to change the topic desperately.

"Yes...a little. But... But it's not a problem... I.. I can manage" she stammered.

"It's alright, that's not a problem. Abhi?" Sohail said looking to his friend who wordlessly handed her his overcoat.

"Are you comfortable now Ma'am? Could you now tell us where you were going? What could have compelled you to step out of your home at this hour alone Ma'am?"

Abhimanyu stared at the two quietly, he had to admit that Sohail was the better one amongst them when it came to people skills; he could handle the most diverse of people be it hardcore stone pelters of Kashmir or frightened and silly young women such as now. 

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes now though; his friend was talking to the girl almost as though she was a small child.

"Oh you are in college?" Sohail remarked, "You were going to college now ? Let me guess you stay in the college hostel?"

"Yes, I am doing my first semester in Lady Shelley College for Women. I stay in the hostel there."

"Alright! That's very well Ma'am. The college falls on our way home, we can easily drop you there."

"Which course are you pursuing Ma'am?" Ahimanyu asked in a tiny effort to help his friend. He wanted to drop her to her college and get to his quater as soon as possible now but the young girl's fear was not helping either of them.

"Bachelor's in geography" Mritsa answered cautiously.

"That's interesting. First semester. BA. You are very young. Did you need to get anything urgently? We can get it  now on the way too" Abhimanyu asked equally cautiously and gently.

"No Sir I got what I wanted."

"So, if you got what you needed, why don't we go to your college?"

It didn't go unnoticed by both boys how she looked constantly at Sohail instead of Abhimanyu when the latter was asking her questions.

"Just out of curiosity" Sohail said with an amiable smile, "What did you get?"

Mritsa crunched her dupatta in between her palms and tried to keep a serious face, completely unaware that  her hands gave away her nervousness.

"Pani puri. Sir ...I went to get pani puri. I was hungry."

Even if Sohail was not too surprised but the loud laugh from beside him definitely drew open his mouth wide.

"Oh my god Sohail! She is just like us!"

He and his friend shared a knowing look. They had had a wild one year in college together doing all sorts of crazy things and pani puri at midnight was one of those.

"Come Mritsa, let's sneak you into your college now"

Abhimanyu's eyes gleamed happily. Sohail was shocked but relieved nevertheless, glad his friend was happy contrary to what he had expected. He gave Mritsa a reassuring smile beckoning her to follow Abhimanyu's lead. He trailed behind them, watching  the two walking ahead, his gaze softening for some unknown reason.

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