CHAPTER 1 : Toasts and Surprises

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"Gentlemen, so let us now raise a toast to our Major Abhimanyu Rajawat for his unparalleled valour and grit in completing a recent mission without any casualty!"

The aforementioned person smiled charmingly giving a subtle nod of acknowledgement to his senior's compliment. It was a known fact amongst them that Colonel Maheshwari was a tough nut to crack and each compliment from him was worth cherishing.

"Man, are you blushing?" the teasing remark made him turn around swiftly; his friend was standing behind him with a huge, stupid grin on his face.

"When will the day come that a girl causes you to actually blush and not some grey haired senior?" he continued dramatically, Abhimanyu rolled his eyes.

"When will you stop acting like a grandma?" his retort followed swiftly but it made his friend double up further in laughter.

"The day you stop acting like a brahmachari" Abhimanyu somehow controlled the urge to punch his idiot friend's stomach while the latter doubled over in laughter.

"Why aren't you hitched yet, Sohail?"

"Because you are not taken yet bro" came the quick response much to Abhimanyu's surprise, followed by a dramatic add on, "What chance do I stand beside you? No girl would look at me as long as you are single!"

Sohail almost choked on his drink at his friend's flabbergasted and shocked face. Abhimanyu had not been expecting a response to what he had presumed to be a witty comeback on his part, and he knew Sohail clearly read his very exact thoughts and was now having a hard time not to bellow in laughter.

"Come on man, open up, have some fun. Be yo-"

Whatever Sohail was about to say was cut short mid- sentence. Abhimanyu's back was turned to him. His shock knew no bounds when he saw a beautiful lady approached his friend but the shock did not end there.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you again" Abhimanyu said smoothly, "I had not expected to find you here Anita, given this is a close knit celebration."

Sohail's mind was racing against light. They knew each other from before and were on a first name basis. Abhimanyu never hid about his friends from him, much alone women friends, then who was this?

"My uncle threw the party, he is-"

"You are Colonel Maheshwari's niece?"


Abhimanyu raised an eyebrow at the, non-verbally enquiring more to which the confidently smiling girl gladly answered.

"My parents sent me to London to study when I was eight years old. Both my parents work in senior management posts of international airlines companies. My uncle would keep in touch with us and whenever our school had holidays and my parents would be busy in work, I would come to India and stay with him."

"I see. I too have grown up in a residential school. My parents thought it best for me."

"We could exchange some stories some time, what do you say Major?"

"Sure Anita. It is not a bad idea."

Sohail who had been curiously watching the exchange, now swiftly sauntered to his friend's side upon observing his friend's subtly crumbling smile. He decided it was about time to interrupt, knowing very well his friend never liked to share personal stories as much with others. Time to play the third wheel- he thought before saying,

"Bro the dance floor is open. Why don't we all step in?"

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