Part 42

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I knew that Ezra was nervous to go pick up Autumn from her parents house to drive her to move into school- but Autumn reassured her she would make sure their parents were both out of the house, or dead asleep, when we got her.

Ezra and I decided to do an overnight drive for the 6 hours to go get Autumn, so we could pick her up in the morning and bring her back to campus.

The night that we were going to leave to get Autumn was the same night that Serafina moved back into the house.

She immediately noticed that Ezra and I were getting along.

"Did you two patch things up?" she asked.

Ezra and I glanced at each other, and I said, "A little more than that."

Serafina smiled and asked, "Does that mean what I think it does?"

"If you are thinking that it means that Eve and I are more than friends, yes," Ezra nodded.

Serafina smiled and said, "I'm really happy for you, both."

This time, the drive back to Seneca Hills was not as worrisome as the last time, as we knew that Autumn was okay- and Ezra and I knew how we felt about each other.

It was about 2 AM, and we had been on the road for about an hour and a half when I got a text from Honey- and it was a gorgeous picture of the stars in the night sky.

Her text said: I took this tonight! Aren't the stars beautiful? It's a spot about 30 minutes from campus. We should go there...or you can even take Ezra, too. :)

When Ezra reached a red light, I showed her the photo.

"That's not something she saved off Google?" Ezra asked me, "I didn't know iPhone's could take pictures of the sky that clear."

"She says it's real, and I believe her," I said.

"Same. Ask her where it is exactly...maybe we can go there when we get back tonight?"

Honey texted me exactly where the field was to take clear photos of the stars, and I was looking forward to going there with Ezra.

We made our usual stop for coffee and energy drinks at around 4 AM, and as Ezra took a sip of her Red Bull, she said, "I hope this is the last time in a long time that we have to do this drive."

When we finally neared Seneca Hills, Ezra called Autumn. I could tell that she was getting more and more nervous that she would see her parents.

"Did I wake you up? I know it's early," Ezra said to Autumn over the phone.

"Not at all. I've been up for an hour. I'm too excited to sleep."

"Alright," Ezra said, "I'm glad I didn't wake you up. I'll be there in around 15 minutes. Where are mom and dad?"

"Still at the casino," Autumn said, "I'd say that they won't be home for at least an hour."

"Okay, good," Ezra said, "See you, soon."

Ezra looked a bit more relieved, but she said, "I won't feel better until we've left with Autumn."

Autumn meant it when she said that she didn't have much to bring. She was standing by the front door when we pulled up, with two duffel bags. Her arm was still in a cast, so Ezra got out of the car and helped her with her bags. I could see Ezra glancing around- likely to see if her parents were going to pull up.

I found myself doing the same with my mom down the street.

Autumn got into the backseat of the car, and Ezra put her bags in the trunk.

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