Part 28

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To my surprise, Ezra didn't sleep over at Taylor's apartment after we got gelato.

I was still feeling miserable for the rest of the night, even though I was trying my damn hardest to not show it.

When we got back to the house, Ezra asked if I wanted to go into her room and talk.

"Sure." I said, "I'll tell you about the conversation with my mom."

Ezra and I sat on her bed and she looked at me, waiting for me to begin.

"It honestly wasn't a very long conversation. It was just my mom, asking if I was going to visit ever yet being insulting at the same time. I told her that I was going to block her number and she got mad, so I hung up."

Ezra raised her eyebrows, "I'm glad you told her you would block her."

"I haven't yet, honestly. But I feel like I should."

"I understand why you haven't yet." Ezra said, "As much as we want to completely shut our families out of our can be difficult."

"You get it." I said, "You always get it."

Ezra nodded and said, "And you're the only one that gets me. Eve, I know things have been a little bit weird and tense with us. Are you concerned I'm going to be spending more time with Taylor than you?"

Uh. Not quite.

"Yeah...that's definitely a concern." I said back.

"I don't want you to worry about that. Even if Taylor and I do officially start dating, you're my best friend. I'm not going anywhere." Ezra said, trying to reassure me.

"Do you really think you and Taylor are going to start dating?" I asked Ezra.

"I think it's going to go that way." Ezra nodded.


I could feel my sanity starting to slip away.

"Got it." I said, "So, that means we can't hookup anymore."

Ezra looked a bit panicked for a moment, and she then said, "I guess it means that, yes."

Ezra and I locked eyes for a moment, and we didn't say anything.

"Eve, what is going on?" Ezra asked me quietly, "You look really upset. This feels like...more than you being concerned about me not spending as much time with you."

"It's not." I said- and even I wasn't convinced by my tone.

I looked down, unable to face Ezra.

She then asked me, "Are you...jealous? Like, in a non-friendship way?"



"I can't talk about this anymore." I said, and I started to get up.

Ezra very lightly took hold of my arm.

"Wait." she said, "Please, talk to me."

"No, Ezra." I said, "I'm going to go into my room now."

Defeated, Ezra let go of my arm.

"Fine." she said, "Goodnight, Eve."


When I got in my room, I laid down on my bed, and the tears that I had been holding back for hours started to flow.

I'm going to lose Ezra. Likely as my best friend, now. She has to know at least that I have feelings for her.

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