Part 6

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Ezra told me on Sunday that her sister, Autumn, called her.

Ezra is one of five siblings, and I am one of three.

I have an older sister Kylie, she's 22. And I have a younger brother, Jordan, who is 17.

Ezra, on the other hand, has an older brother, Kyle. He is 23. She then has three younger siblings, her sister Autumn, who is 18, brother Hunter who is 15, and her sister Marley who is 13.

I'm not really close with my siblings. And the only sibling that Ezra really talks to is Autumn, who is a senior in high school.

Autumn is a sweet girl. She reminds me of Ezra and I in the sense that she wants out of our hometown. She wants to go to college, and she wants more for herself.

"She's not doing very well without me." Ezra said, "She said that my dad has been extra bad this week- and no one has been able to reach Kyle all week. Since Hunter is basically with his girlfriend all the time, it's been just her and Marley getting the brunt of everything at home.

I saw a flicker of guilt cross Ezra's face.

"It's natural to be concerned." I said, "Especially since it involves Autumn."

"I wish I wasn't." Ezra said, "I'm going to try to not be."

"It's okay if you are. Just remember to try to focus on yourself. That's what we're here for."

Ezra gave me a small grin and said, "You're right. I know you are, as always."

The next day after a long few hours of classes, Ezra had her interview at The Olive Branch. I sat in her room with her, on her blow-up mattress, and helped her decide what to wear. We settled on a black jean jacket with a gray button up underneath, and a pair of black fitted pants. Ezra pulled her hair back in a ponytail- and the blue streaks were on full display. She wore her makeup more natural than usual- and I couldn't help but admire how pretty she looked.

"I like the makeup." I said to her, "Brings out your natural beauty. Which you have a lot of."

Ezra flashed me a genuine smile, "Hopefully whoever is interviewing me thinks the same thing. Thanks, Eve."

As Ezra was about to leave, I noticed that the collar of her gray shirt was a bit bent.

"Wait." I said, "Let me fix your collar."

Ezra stood facing me. She is a few inches taller than me. I am five foot two, and she is around five foot five.

She looked down at me slightly, her green eyes gazing at me from below her dark lashes. She had a small slit shaved in her left eyebrow, and she also had two nose piercings- two studs on the left side of her ski slope nose.

I reached up and gently fixed her collar, and she smiled down at me.

It was moments like this, when Ezra looked at me like I put the stars in the sky, that I questioned if she truly saw me as just a friend- with benefits.

I also swore I saw a slight blush on her cheeks as I ran my hands down her arms and smoothed her jacket.

"Perfect." I said.

"Thank you." Ezra said, "Let's hope I nail this."

"You will." I said, "I know it."

Ezra gave me one more smile, and then she was out the door.

After she walked out, Serafina walked downstairs.

"Does Ezra have a job interview?" she asked me, "Troy mentioned something to me about her possibly working at The Olive Branch."

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