Part 26

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Ezra didn't come home until after 3 AM that morning.

I know that because I was still awake, and I heard her coming in the house and walking up the steps.

I decided on Friday morning that I was going to be as casual as possible and ask Ezra how things went with Taylor. I would just suck it up if she gave me details. However, we tend to not give too many details if we've hooked up with other people. I think we both feel a bit weird about it.

Ezra and I walked to class together- and I asked her, "How was last night with Taylor?"

Ezra looked a bit surprised that I asked.

"Oh, it was fun." she said, "I had a good time hanging out with her."

"Nice." I said back, "I'm really glad you had a good time."

Ezra gave me a perplexed look, "You are?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I don't want you to have a bad time."

"I don't know...I know that you weren't thrilled when I said I was going to give Taylor a chance."

"That doesn't mean that I don't want things to go well for you." I said.

Ezra gave me a small smile, "Okay, cool. Look, I don't want anything to be weird between us, okay? That would honestly crush me."

"It would crush me, too." I said, "I want you to be able to talk to me."

Ezra nodded, "And I want that from you, too. Good. I'm glad we decided things won't be weird."

"Did you and Taylor go anywhere?" I asked.

"Nah, we just stayed at her place. She has an apartment, and a roommate she barely talks to. We just hung out. Talked. And we did hook up, but it wasn't anything crazy."

Even though Ezra and I decided things wouldn't be weird, she still looked a bit uncomfortable.

"You didn't have sex?" I asked.

"No, we didn't. Taylor said she didn't want to do that so soon after her breakup."

But she has no problem asking you out and hooking up with you otherwise...

I bit my tongue.

"I see. Are you going to hangout again?"

Ezra nodded, "Yeah, we'll hang out again. How was your night?"

"Kylie called me, so it was interesting."

Ezra stared at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me first thing this morning?"

"I should've, I'm sorry."

"What did she want?"

I told Ezra about our conversation, and she listened intently. When I finished, she asked me, "Are you fine with her calling you more?"

"I honestly doubt that she will." I said, "There's no way she's keeping up with me."

Ezra nodded, "That's what I figured, honestly. Your mom is unbelievable, though. Who is she to treat the girl that Jordan knocked up better than her own daughters?"

"I don't understand why she had kids." I said, "If all she was going to do is berate them and be a fucking lousy mom."

Ezra put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Believe me- I think the same thing about mine. And that's why we're here. Together."

Let's hope Taylor doesn't ruin that.

When I was in class, I got a text from Honey. She said: Hey! I know this may be a long shot, but do you want to get dinner tonight with me, Cleo, and Max? Totally fine if you can't!

Veiled Emotions (gxg)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz