Part 7

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On Wednesday after my classes, I had the interview at Villa Rosa Trattoria- and Ezra had her first training shift at The Olive Branch.

I couldn't help but to feel concerned about Taylor.

I saw the way that Ezra was looking at her. She thought Taylor was attractive.

I learned though, last night, that Sophia was Taylor's girlfriend. But that hasn't stopped Ezra before.

Last year Ezra was hooking up with her co-worker- who was married to a man. Her name was Amy, and I couldn't stand her. Not just because she was hooking up with Ezra- because she had zero remorse about cheating on her husband.

Not that Ezra was an angel in that situation.

Amy's husband seemingly never found out about the affair- as far as we know. Ezra somehow found it within herself to realize that hooking up with a 25-year-old married woman probably wasn't the best idea.

And Amy hated her after that.

That was in the past though- and Ezra swore she wouldn't do something like that again.

I just hoped that she would keep her word.

Ezra and I got ready together. Her for her first official work shift, me for my interview. I tried to look as nice as possible- and I even straightened my hair.

Ezra glanced at me in the mirror and said, "Your hair looks really nice. I love your natural waves, but the straight hair does something to me as well."

I smiled at Ezra, "Thank you. It took me quite a while to do. Over a half hour."

"See, I couldn't spend that much time on my hair."

"You're just lucky that you have naturally straight hair." I said to her.

Ezra chuckled and said, "I still can't believe I dyed it pitch black up until our senior year of high school."

"Your hair never looked bad." I said, "I liked the black hair. But I think I like your natural brunette with the colorful streaks better."

Ezra played with the hair hanging in front of her face that was blue and said, "I think I'm going to dye the streaks purple. I want a change."

"I can help you dye it." I said, "If you want."

"That would be great." Ezra said, "Maybe we even can tonight after I have work."

"Deal." I said.

I was nervous for my interview. I had hardly been able to eat all day. I saw in the email that a man named Nathan was going to be interviewing me.

Hopefully he's nice.

The restaurant was a seven minute walk from the house- and when I walked in, the girl at the host stand gave me a smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm here for an interview." I said, "My name is Eve Davis."

"Let me go grab Nathan for you." the girl said, "Good luck!"

The girl came back out and told me that Nathan would be out in a minute- and a few moments later a very handsome man with brown skin and short black hair came walking toward me. He looked like he was in his late twenties.

"Eve?" he asked, walking toward me. I could smell his cologne as he got closer to me.

"Hi." I said, standing up, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well." Nathan said, and he then shook my hand. His tone was friendly as he said, "Come with me to one of the bar tables and we can talk. It's empty in there right now."

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